What exactly is enlarged sella syndrone. What are the

What exactly is enlarged sella syndrone. What are the symptoms, causes and treatment

Hi, (arjaziz)
ESS stands for Empty Sella Syndrome. There is a portion of the brain called
the sella turcica , it is a tiny structure of in the middle of the head
behind the nose. In that area the pituitary is supposed to hang down inside
the opening of the sella turcica. when an MRI is done and they read it and
they can not see the pituitary at all because it is squashed against the
skull, , they call it an empty sella, when the see only part of the
pituitary they call it a partially empty sella. The pituitary is the master
gland of the entire body. It controls release of hormones. All of the
endocrine glands can be affected if it is not functioning correctly. When
the pituitary is compromised either by being squashed against the skull by
one cause or another --sometimes a tumor- or microadenoma- or cyst- or
injury- or too much cerebro spinal fluid, or some people have had it be
caused from Sheehan’s syndrome, the pituitary is not able to do it’s job
correctly. (Also the hypothalamus sometimes is affected as it is right
behind the pituitary) It is the best I can explain as to what ESS is.
Growth hormone is sometimes compromised and there are tests to check for
that, sometmes the thyroid , testes ,ovaries ,adrenal gland all of the
glands are possibly affected by it. It is a lot to understand. Please go to
to read more if you are interested. I am a nurse ,but I am sure I have not
done it justice. But I have it and I am on growth hormone because of the
lack of IGF-1 in my body, which made me hurt , swell, get headaches, feel
much older than my years, exhaustion,unsteady gait I was falling (got a
couple of broken bones)… etc…
Thanks for asking,
----- Original Message -----
From: “arjaziz” ess-cpt3590@lists.careplace.com
To: trinarose@zoominternet.net
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: [ess] What exactly is enlarged sella syndrone. What are the…


Thank you so much for your explanation of sella syndrone.  However, I am still confused because my radiologist says that it appears as though I have an "enlarged" sella turcica.  So I am still confused as to what that means. By the sella turcica being enlarged what damage or problems can that cause?  You've explained when the empty and partially emptied but I am still puzzled at to the meaning of enlarged.  Can you help me to understand that?

Maybe try a google search of enlarged sella turcica. You would have to ask
the person who told you that just what he or she meant. Perhaps an enlarged
pituitary inside the sella turcica???Don’t know what they meant???
----- Original Message -----
From: “arjaziz” ess-cpt3590@lists.careplace.com
To: trinarose@zoominternet.net
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ess] What exactly is enlarged sella syndrone. What are the…