What is eventration of the right hemi diaphragm?

I have had it for years and I am maintaing my weight. I am sure because I drink alot of Milk and cappaccino’s. The last exam told me that surgery would be the next step. That won’t work for me because we do not have health insurance. I just went in for an xray and they found out that I have borderline cardiomegaly, and there is eventration of the right hemidiaphragm. Which I have no idea what this is. But my doctor said it was nothing to worry about. So I have decided to ask anyone if they happen to know what this is?

I looked online and found this: Eventration of the diaphragm is generally regarded asa condition in which the left or the right leaf of the diaphragm has ascended abnormally high into the chest. It doesn’t sound too bad except that the diaphram might be in the way when trying to do surgery on the esophogas. Did someone tell you to drink milk to keep your weight up? One doctor told me that unless I had lost a lot of weight that my surgery was not necessary.

Yes to the milk. My Doctor told me that was the only option left for me is the surgery. Thank you for your reply. This disease is not easy to live with. It makes it nice when you can talk to others that experience this.