What is the expected duration for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

What is the expected duration for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

i went to a cfs support meeting, after the specilist diagnosed me, and a woman there said she had it 22 years. i have now had it 23..however, after 6 years in bed, the loss of my job as a nurse, etc.etc...i reached a plateau, and for 7 years maintained a more functional level, by doing quikung with the chinese elders in the park. i have a good friend who was much milder(she still went to university part time during the illness), who is 95% better..mainly thru homeopathy, etc. i doubt anyone can give you a definitive answer. i also developed fibromyalgia 2 years later, now arthritis, 5 herniated discs, and walk 2 blocks with a walker and am exhausted..good luck! I stuck with conventional medicine, if i had my time back, i would have chosen naturopathic/homeopathic treatment.
