Which Better Mayo or Johns Hopkins?

Hello all,
I’ve been real sick lately. The pain on my side is bad, but what is worse is this constant heartburn which won’t let me sleep, eat or function normally. It’s terrible and my doctor says it’s not related to your CP. What an ass. I’m so sick of these doctor’s I can’t tell you.

Anyway, I want to go to someone who can possibly help me. Does anyone know which is the best pancreatic center, Mayo or Johns Hopkins?

I want a doctor who will listen :slight_smile:

I have wonderful doctor at mayo in jacksonville his name is dr woodard he is the most kind and compassionate doctor that i have had

To all:
Thanks for your emails about Mayo and John Hopkins. It is so important to have an advocate, (your doctor) on your side. I live in Pittsburgh and go to Dr. Slivka. Although he is the top in his field, I can’t seem to see him and I feel like he’s treating me like a number, not a person. Literally, when I go to see him, he doesn’t even sit down in a chair but is standing so he can leave quickly.

Anyway, if anyone has more information on Pittsburgh doctors, I would love to hear it.

Thanks everyone. It’s nice to know we are in this together.


While I have not been to the mayo, I have been to hopkins…just a warning to be careful with dr kalloo and his trusty sidekick ruby at hopkins. At first he is caring and positive, but if you don’t get better, he can turn on you. This happened to me, and from speaking with many others that have been in his care, his practices are fairly similar with his patients. So just have a very strong mind if you decide to see him. I am sure if you are speaking to other doctors about a referral to a specialist his name will come up, because he is the pancreas guy there. I will add it has been about 6 years since I was under his care, so maybe, maybe he has learned a bit since then…Good luck with the doctor search, and feel better soon!

I had a similar experience with Dr. Kalloo but would go back in a minute if I thought it was necessary. As it turns out I have been able to get help here in Pittsburgh, thought I will be changing MDs here, too.

It is Dr. Slivka whom I saw and I will never see him again! When I went to the ER with a different problem and my PCP was away, I asked for Dr. Slivka and he refused to see me! I have not met him yet, but Dr. David Whitcomb is the Pittsburgh MD on the NPF web site. I think I will try that next. My PCP is also a gastroenterologist but I have told him that if I ever need some one with more expertise that I will not see Dr. Slivka.


Dr. David Whitcomb is great. He has a turn-key team and writes the newsletter called “Pearl” for the Pancreas Foundation. Please go see him. His nurse spent an hour talking me long distance.

Candice Askew