I have been in a common law marriage relationship for over 14 years. It has always been the same with his drinking and friends coming first. While he did this I tried bettering myself. I lost alot of my friends because he would not be nice or make a pass at them so they stop coming around. he has been the main provider but not for all the 14 years. But his thinking is that he can do whatever he wants since he works. Like stay out really late or not come home at all. I used to say he would never cheat on me that I mainly compete with his friends but now I realize that it all comes together, the girls, friends drinking…I have done eveyrthing in my power to keep this family together by staying strong for my daughter, which he is daddy to since she was 3. But I cant do it anymore. for the last week he has slept downstairs, I havent spoken with him in over 10 days. i know its killing my daughter but i can not make the first move again and try and fix this. The house is in foreclosure, going to lose the car I drive, was suppose to file for bankruptcy, have retianed the lawyer but he has given me no money to finish paying the lawyer…I am so tired. I feel useless but i know I need to stay strong for my daughter. I want to leave him and I will but i have no money, no place to go…any suggestions or advice or help??