Work a job or are you on disability?

I haven't been able to work for a very long time, and with this pain being so constant every day despite Vicodin, I can't imagine being able to go back to work.  Even if the Vicodin works once in a while, I am then so affected by the Vicodin, its unsafe for me to be driving.  My family cannot go without my income!  Do you qualify for SSI disability if you have pancreatitis with chronic pain? I don't know what else I can do if I cannot leave the house. 

Blessings to all,


My son (24 years old) is finally receiving SSI/Disability after an 18 month battle. The problem is that Social Security doesn’t count Pancreatitis without Diabetes as an illness. It took repeated reports from both hospitals and specialists in order to get it through but yes you can do it if you persist. Good luck to you.

We definitely understand as my husband and I supported our adult son and his son for the past 2 years due to this.

HI Susie-Q, There are a lot of requirements to be eligible for disability through Social Security. Just from what you wrote in your message, it sounds like you would be eligible…it is based on the amount of money you have earned thus far and your physician has to complete a lot of paperwork at first, then you have to meet with a physician from the SSA. It is worth checking into and you can do it yourself. A lot of people hire attorneys to do itforthem, but they the attorney gets a percentage of the income. It is retroactive to - I believe 6 months - from the last day you worked. I was employed by an insurance company and I did all of the disability reviews. I like helping people because I know it is very difficult and sometimes people just give up or do not try. I willhelp anyone, anytime and in any way…just let me know and GOOD LUCK. drmkachr

Susie-Q Just another thought - the physician I see has a requirement that if you are not able to drive, they ill make arrangements for you to get home from the doctor or to. And, they will give you a letter stating you are not able to drive. drmkchr

Hi, everybody!

I work for the largest airline in the free world as an international flight attendant. Given my diagnosis of “idiopathic” severe acute pancreatitis given last December, my primary doctor has released me back to active duty on May 1st, 2007 with no limitations and no restrictions after recouperating now for over 5 months! I’ve seen a specialist at Duke University Medical Center – the THIRD opinion about my illness – and he too, says I can go back to work. If I get sick again, then we’ll deal with it IF I get another attack – but by all means, he says go back to work and see how I do!

My employer’s medical department says I can not return to work without some guarantee from the Duke doctor I won’t have another recurrance --which we all know is completely impossible to predict and preposterous!

I’ve been pain free for the last 3.5 months – normal labs, living a normal life, eating everything I want, excercising again – the list goes on. I’m so ready to clip on my gold wings and FLY! Plus, I’m out of french soap and Belgian chocolate! – only kidding!

Do I have some recourse to take with my employer? They have these flunky quacks “medical doctors” sitting uselessly up in their corporate offices making decisions for my life and career (20 years!), when they really know absolutely NOTHING about my situation, condition, etc., other than the stereotypical stigmas attached to our disease. They’re insinuating I could be a huge liability / risk to the operation (flight diversion!) should something happen while I’m on duty flying. All this AFTER my primary care doc, a specialist at Duke say I can return to work with no restrictions!

My career goal was to work another five years, period! – before I got sick last December – retiring at the ripe old age of 53! :slight_smile: Twenty-five years in the air would be a wonderful stopping point, and I’ve literally been counting the days, but that’s beside the point…

Anyway, can anybody advise? Can I force the issure? File a complaint with the Labor Board? Hire an attorney? Or, do I have to simply cave in and jump through more of the stupid, bureauocratic hoops these ignorant corporate medical doctors say I have to jump through in order to go back to work? It’s all so ridiculous and I feel like I’m being violated!

Hope this finds everyone having a great day!

To our good health!



Chuck, I would fight it especially considering how little time you have left! I am not sure if you would have to go through an attorney. If you have a union, that might work. I know that there is an advocacy group for workers in general, but I can’t seem to recall the name. You might even qualify as being discriminated against viz the Americans with Disabilities Act. Best of luck.


Acute pancreatitis is often a one-time attack. It does not mean you will
develop chronic pancreatitis. My husband had one attack when we were first
married 39 years ago. He never had another. He quit drinking for four
years, then started up again and still hasn’t had an attack. My son on the
other hand has chronic pancreatitis. His first acute attack was about
seven years ago. It was very severe, long hospitalization and
complications. He was on home TPN for a month or so. Gradually began to
eat and progressed to a normal diet. He had four good years with no pain
and no further attack. But, he had a can of beer while on vacation in
Florida and a month later had his second attack which turned into a
continuous chronic disease. I don’t think there is any reason for you not
to work with one attack of acute pancreatitis. If they have not found any
chronic change - don’t drink and hopefully it was a one and only.


Hey, Warren,

Thanks for the reply. Have been in contact with our flight attendant union and they’re RAGING mad about all this and are fighting with the idiots in medical now. They don’t understand their unreasonable demands, either, and it makes no sense to our union health department chairperson.

It makes me sad to think after being with this company 20 years and never being sick a day in my career, they’re all of a sudden treating my situation this way. Maybe they think I’m like pillows and blankets? If they take me away, then they’ll save a dime or two! :slight_smile:

Will keep everyone posted!

Best to all!


I was in nearly the same situation with UPS several years ago. They basically said the same thing, but I shoved the doctors release at them, and they had no where to turn. I offered to go to court, and they didn’t want any part of that. Messing with people with a health problem or disability is a big no-no, and not many companies want to go there , no matter how big they are. How can they say that you would be a flight risk. Even if you have a full blown pancreatic attack, you could work through the beginning, at least long enough to get where you are going, and then jump ship. Unless they can prove you cannot do your job, I would say they don’t have a leg to stand on. The proof is in their hands, because you have a release from your doctor, and he says you are able to return. I would definitely fight this one. You may end up not having to work those last five years. I think I would tell them that if they are so concerned, that they could always make me a formal offer of full early retirement. I would also consider speaking with an attorney. Good luck.

<3 Karen