I found out in Feb 2007 that I have secondary addison’s. It is a relief to finally find out why I have felt so crappy the past year and half. It all started out for me with being diagnosed with grave’s disease in nov 2005, I had the RAI in feb 2006 and I went hypothyroid one month later. I was put on synthyroid and got a little better but not much. I had a hard time getting up in the morning I was in constant muscle spams all the time. I had carpal tunnel and arthitis. Then about two months later I got real bad Grave’s eye disease and had to go on high doses of steriods. During this time I felt better than I had in a long time. After being on the steriods for about six weeks I was taken off them. I got really bad after that, I thought I had pancreitis and had to go for a slew of tests. I was slowly getting worse and worse. I was getting really bad allergies at that time. Finally I toook my health into my own hands and started searching out why I felt so bad. I found a forum called stop the thyroid madness.com. From that forum I found out that I might have adrenal problems. I switched doctors and went from my endo to a DO. I got off syncrap and went on Armour. I noticed a huge improvement right away, but was still having problems. I did alot of research and got my doctor to run some tests, am cortisol (mine was 14 (5-25).), DHEA-S mine was 84 (34-430). From those tests it was pointing to me being hypopit. So, I had my doctor run more tests IGF-1 mine was 199 (71-352), prolactin mine was 7.3 (1.9-25), aldostrone supine 8 (less than 16), renin supine 2.5 (.2-1.6), Stim test baseline cortisol was 7.9 (5-25) 30min 14.7 and 60min 14.5. ACTH serum was 14 (6-58) From all these tests my doctor and I came to the conclusion I am hypopit. I currently take 3 3/4 grains Armour, .075mgs florinef, cortef taken 5-7.5-5 and .5mgs medrol at bedtime. I am still working up my dose of Armour but I am very close to being optimized finally after a year and half. I have to say I am pretty close to where I was before diagnoses. I have not had a crisis yet, but was close a few times before I was put on medicine. I remember going out and getting really drunk and the next morning my heart rate would be 130 resting and I would feel like I was dying. Well, that is my story in a nutshell, I am really hoping to connect with other people that have this disease.