Any one read or seen this?

Sure. And the photos prove that you are a couple and that you exist and that
the people in the photos are the ones posting here.

Call that irrefutable evidence (laughing).

Give me a break, “Steve”/“Kim”. I see right through you. I am a narcissist,
remember? I know all your little tricks and gimmicks. You can’t fool me. And
you can’t fool the victims here. they have been there, done that. Call it a
day and go hunt your prey elsewhere.

The Narcissist and Psychopath as Criminals

The Narcissist is Above the Law

The Narcissist as Liar and Con-man


----- Original Message -----
From: “steveco”
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [npd] ANY ONE READ OR SEEN THIS???

Just humor me…


You fill in the rest.

How are we all 100% sure we are right.

i was hoping this would turn into constructive conversations and a disscussion and not “this is what I know for sure”

How many times in the world has this happened? Where people SWEAR by something and then a person or a group dares to go above and beyond and does the unthinkable.

I am not saying they can be cured and I am not saying they can’t

Just what if.

I know you think I am in MAGICAL THINKING, but I am not… I just want to see ALL SIDES! Even the part that it is incurable.

I have to go deal with my N, he is waiting for me to let him in… LOL while I write this whole post.

I wish you all for a wonderful weekend and I really want us all to be a support no matter where we are or what we think or our situations.

You all are amazing people and we are here for a reason.

What is it that we all need to learn and teach each other???


How did the oprah letters go??? Did everyone send them? I sent 3 but I have one more to send. :slight_smile:


I have to say this week has been an interesting. I had a big career
that I quit to raise my children. I am a stay at home mom who just
put her big toe into a career path. I have a big interview in
November. My N father can not manipulate me into not feeling good
about myself. I won a silver medal in a poetry contest. Today is a
good day, filled with my OWN accomplishments. I am not going to be
sucked into the vortex of my father and my brother’s
accomplishments. Even if MY accomplishments aren’t AS INTERESTING or
as GLAMOROUS or as FINANCIALLY successful. They are MY
ACCOMPLISHMENTS and no one is going to steal my thunder. ESPECIALLY

On Oct 13, 2007, at 1:11 PM, hopetoday wrote:

Hopetoday, If kimco came on here and posted this topic, her story and web site and talked bout her booklet, or what ever it is, she has, I would not have said a word, I would have ignored it completely. I would not have responded to it at all. I was reading all your posts and hearing what a hard time you were having, thought you were suffering, and felt so bad for you. I may have misread or put to much into what you were posting. You sounded terrible to me and I thought you needed to start working on yourself, not have hope for him, speaking for myself personally, I could not begin to work on me till I let go of thinking he could be helped. I felt like you needed to work on getting yourself back together and getting stronger before you started to even think you could help him. I thought the timing to offer you hope was not good and get you to put more effort into him instead of yourself.I will be more careful from now on,my emotions and the years of all the damage that can be done from living with an N have not been worked through yet, it is still fresh and painful to me, I am still dealing with that damage in one of my own children. I am also a work in progress, I have buttons that get pushed from years of living it, I need to work on that. I misread your posts,and put too much into them. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck                   Hugs mamolie

Mamolie, I want you to share your opinions and thoughts and not edit them. I want you to say what you feel and not hold back! OK? ~ HT