Hello to all,
I have been sitting here reading with tears flowing down my cheeks. I have NEVER even met someone else with CP. My GI guy in KY is the ONLY one who will see me in the state. I think he took me because no one else would. In 1978 I was the 29th child diagnosed with necrotizing hemorrhagic pancreatitis and the 5th to be diagnosed before autopsy. In other words, I woke up with it one day, no trauma to the organ, had severe peritonitis and gangrene. They opened me up (they thought I had appendicitis) cleaned me out, sewed me up and told my parents that I would not make it through the night. Yet here I sit at 36 with CP, DM, ludicrously high triglycerides which I can eat grass and they stay around 600-800 if I’m lucky. Now my liver enzymes are creepeing up because the triglycerides are clogging it up. I was just curious if anyone else out there has lived through this deadly type of pancreatitis or does anyone else battle high triglycerides?
I had a real rough year in 2006. ERCP w/duct surgery, EUS with a drained psuedocyst on the head and roughly 8-10 hopsitalizations. I had been good for 8 monthes and then had to go back to the ER this past Monday. Sometimes I feel like a piece of driftwood caught in the waves that keeps getting smashed in to the rocks. I have also had the doc/ER “your amylase and lipase are fine go home and get some rest” crap. I had a doctor tell me that my problem was the I had anxiety and that caused the pain…all to familiar to many.
Thanks to all who post…you are like angels that God has brought to me. The feelings of depression, isolation, disrespect that we go through can be almost as dibilatating. I am a RN who has fallen to my knees asking Gods forgiveness for EVER judging a patients pain that I have cared for.
Thank you to all again,