My only daughter was diagnosed with stage one, grade three cancer just about four weeks ago. She has already had the mastectomy and has started the process of reconstructive breast surgery. She is only 32, married, and no children. She had just started to think about having a family when this happened.
The cancer is estrogen driven and very aggressive. We see the oncologist this coming week. We were to see him two weeks later, but when eight of the 19 lymph nodes were positive, her chemo was moved up.
Right now, we are just walking zombies, trying to take care of her, and not scare her any more than she already is. As her mom, I am so scared of the chemo and what it will do to her. I wish it was me instead of her.
I’m interested to hear from family members who are also taking care of loved ones with breast cancer, and how they are dealing with it, and what can I do to make it easier for my daughter to get through this.
We don’t have a big family, but we are all ready to do whatever it takes to help her through this. Even shaving our heads!
I would also like to hear from women in her age group who have beat the big C, and gone on to have families.
How do I get around to not wanting to cry all the time? Her dad is so freaked out, I’m scared for him. Please help us!