Depression Member Introductions

I have a family history of depression and am on medication to control it. some of my family members have turned to alcohol and other types of self medicating. I want to be informed as to options for dealing with depression so I can be helpful to them

I have had chronic pain for 8yrs now. I don’t know how to deal with it. I can no longer work or do the things I use t do.I am severly depressed as I don’t know what to do with my time all day. I get anxiety really bad.Family, friends, people don’t understant chronic pain. Like my doctor and former boss both told me since I look fine on the outside people are going to assume I’m fine sure some days are bette than others but still not good enough to do the things I use to. I can’t make plans since I don’t know how I will wake up feeling. I use to be happy, outgoing, very sociable. I use to have a lot of friends not any more. I desperatly need a group to talk to that is in the same situation. I have so much anger in me.

Hi I’m Steve,
I’m interested in Polycythemia because I was diagnosed with the condition a couple of years ago.
I have regular check up’s at the Hammersmith Hospital UK.
Since my diagnosis I have now also been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, for which I take insulin 4 times a day,(cannot have the pills due to lactic acid production.)
I slipped into a hyperglycemic coma last December for a period of 8 days.I didn’t know I was diabetic and apparently I was probably ill for quite a few years with it.
Since being on insulin and attending regular blood tests it would appear that my Polycythemia is getting better and at the last check up the doc was so pleased he asked me to return in 6 months.
There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Steve B.

My Dercum’s Disease is making it increasingly difficult to be physically close to another person. It’s painful to be touched on so many places of my body. I get so fed up. I wish these darned tumors could just be taken out, just go away.

Hello, I love to eat, Sleep, walk, talk, bike, fly, and golf. Although all I do is sleep to much. I’m tired of being so down and out and lost.

my name is tom and i had meningitis at 2 months old and developed hydrocephalus at 5 months

Hi, I’m Lela and have learned I have RA and wanted to connect with others that have it so I may learn about it all, right now I do not know much of anything, but wnt to learn desperately!!

I have poloycythemia secondary. I just want to learn from others that have this and maybe I can use something that I learn here.
I have had this since Dec. 03.

Tengo una hija que tiene este sindrome, por lo cual estoy muy interesada en toda la información relativa al tema. Tambien quisisea saber si hay algun grupal en español para poder comunicarme con mayor fluidez.
teresa Souza

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizopherenia which is called schizoaffective and I wish to connect with others who have the same illness.

My hubby is a NPD and I am strongly a borderline type person. I know that he doesn’t really mean to be NPD it just happens. I am trying to figure out how to cope as sometimes I think I trigger his NPD rages.

I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility/Type 1 when I was 5years old. I am looking to start a family with my husband within the next year and I want to make sure that I take all the necessary steps to ensure my safety and my babies.

Because it not only affects me but other members of my family,and I have other friends I have met over the years,who are like me,have it,and other diseases that usually go along with it,and if it was"nt for my friends that I have found on my computer,things would be much worse.My name is Shirley,I live in Louisiana,

My name is Vinay and although I’m not sure as to whether I suffer with a social anxiety disorder, I do know I have a lot of social anxiety as well as other types of anxiety. I pretty much would love to connect with anybody with a high degree of social anxiety. Other College students with this problem are a plus!

My mother has MEN1 an I’m following her path. Not exactally something I’ ;pplomg forward to.

I was born with and suffering from Spinal Stenosis. I have had 3 major spine surgeries due to this condition.


I basically just hate myself and I want to see if I can help myself get better.

I’ve been on CPAP for over a year now and am interested to know about tips for living with OSA.

i suffer from anorexia nervosa