I wish I were dead. I was not a depressed person. Shit poured on me, continues to get deeper daily, is not fair, ain’t nothing I can do about it. My life sucks. I have no one who gives a a rats ass. I just am stuck alive. I hate it. I have been trapped, abused, battered, ignored by the police, nothing but a pain in the ass to everyone I know. Funny thing, I was always a great friend to people. I got used. Slanndered, defamed, robbed, lied to, extorted. Daily I get more horrendous news dumped on me. What am I supposed to do? No real friends. No family. Why do I have to be alive? I have been so misjudged. I have been so repeatedly disappointed by people. People I gave my heart to and did anything for. I was a good person. I put lots of dues in. It’s not fair. I jus want to stop breathing. There are so many mean people out there. I know not one good person who cares.
I Learned I Had Contracted Hep. C Almost 8 Months Ago, Yet I’ve Had It For Over 20 Years From Blood Transfusions I Had For My Liver Transplant In 1986. I Am Now 24. I Just Like Info & I Also Want To Know If There Is Anything I Can Do To Pitch In & Help. I Know By Having The Translpant,Crohns & Rhumatoid Arthritis That There Are Supportive Bracelets Out There For Different Diseases. Just Wondering If There Is 1 For Hep C. Thanks!
I want to learn more about this cause nobody knows any thing about. All I know is that ever one in the world has had the hystoplasmosis (thats what you get before you get the life threatin scarring that i have) and maybe 20 people get the fibrosinig mediastininitis!!! Can you imagin 300billion people get the hystoplasmosis but maybe 20 people get this rare fatel disease Fibrising Mediastinintis!! I would like to know of any body else who has had it or know some some body who has had it (REST IN PEACE)!!!
I have this condition and like to be informed on every aspect of the disorder.
post pardum depression
Hi, I will write when I am in less pain and it is not
1:30 in the morning.
I wanted to thank you for all you work for us.
Hi, I will write when I am in less pain and it is not
1:30 in the morning.
I wanted to thank you for all you work for us.
I am intersted in Williams Syndrome, I work for a company that assists the developmentally disabled.
I recently was fired from a high stress job for my “attitude” which I believe was down to burn out and depression. looking for support
I was diagnosed and treated for Ewing’s in 2003 and went through a tough year of chemo.
i want to hook up with others who have battled and are battling this terrible disease!
I have been diagnosed as clinically depressed, and sometimes have feelings of suicide.
I have Epidermal Nevus. I want to learn more about emerging reseaech on the disorder.
My 16 year old daughter has RSD. I want to learn all that I can about this. She has had it for 4 years. Connect with anyone who has anything to say on the subject.
I am am mom who has two healthy children and a great husband but am suffering depression.
I was taking anti-depressants for three years, but have now been off them for a year. I suppose I’m getting by; sometimes doing well, but with quite frequent slumps where I don’t want to leave my room or do anything/see anybody. Then I pick myself up and get out there again. My faith has helped, but is also hugely problematic when I’m struggling and wonder where God’s gone/if He’s there - it compounds my emotions and I think there’s a lot of guilt tied up there. I haven’t self-harmed for about a year, but the urges are weekly and get quite strong. At the moment I’ve just had a mid-week slump and am intending to get exercising again, because it does seem to help. If i don’t completely hate how I look I have more of a chance of going out and about! Essentially I’m quite a happy person, but I’m very sensitive and have felt let down a lot. I know what I’ve had to deal with many people might shrug off, but things seem to hit me hard, which then makes me feel weak and a bit of a loser, which in turns makes me more depressed! the end.
Oh, also; i’d quite like to achieve a lot, so that it’s all served a purpose, being down and out etc. But sometimes, my only desire is to make it through life with killing myself.
Hello, I’m looking to meet friends dealing with anxiety and depression for mutual support and friendship.
just browsing
Hi, my name is Trina, I have RSD, I was diagnosed with it almost 7 yrs. ago. It started in my left elbow and has spread. I got it from falling out of an armored truck. I am currently waiting to go for my eval. for the spinal cord stim. I would greatly appreciate it if I would be accepted into your group. Thanks, Trina
I just had my second rotator cuff surgery on 6/06/2007. first one in 2001 worked great until adhesive archnoiditus in lower spine caused right leg to go out fell down 3/4 of a circular stair case. A the 3 concussions, and all other ankle 3rd degree sprain. I finally felt up to the surgery. They also had to repair the bicept tendon. The post surgery exercises are killing me right now but I know it will be worth. Everyone wish me and say a small prayer for me. thanks