Educate me about TMAU!

I am a college student writing the dreaded term paper to get into the nursing program. We were told to choose a disorder that was effected by both metabolism and genetics, and though trimethylaminuria can have various causes, it did fall within the above category. I found it fascinating and soaked up as much scientific information as possible about it, but now I feel that my paper is missing a very integral part, the personal aspect of this disorder. How does it affect your life in particular, is dating hard, is the dieting awful, is the odor noticable to you and your close family, is your job a nightmare, what treatments have you found to be the best, and what can you imagine the cure for this disorder to be like? Be encouraged, the day will come…

Thank you in advance for any information you would be willing to educate me with!

Wow! This is a tall order. I was eleven years old when I developed the
disorder. That was a very bad time. My mother was bipolar and my sister
and I lived with her when my parents divorced. My father was schizophrenic
and an alcoholic. In a manic summer, my mother decided to move from Grand
Rapids Michigan to a rural area outside of it and become a “gentleman
farmer” by night and weekend and commute to work in the city. Perhaps it
was best as I suppose that i would have been tortured even more in a city
school system. Anyway, I was relatively healthy in the city but developed
asthsma, severe allergies, eiosynaphilic gastroenteritis and esophagitis,
GERD, IBS, and the trimethlaminuria within a year. It was a horror! In
addition, when puberty kicked in at age 12, that odor also clug to the
breath. I became isolated not only by others, but so mortified, I isolated

My entire life changed. For instance, my mother, sister and I acquired 40
milk cows and we had to get up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning to milk them. I
was lactose intolerant and even contact with the animals made me sick. This
was too messy for my mother to handle so she told me, “Everyone has that
problem”. I wheezed from the hay, the animals, corn, sileage, everything.
most of the time I was in a dizzy haze and could not concentrate in school.
The excema was so bad, my ears discharged mucus and I couldn’t wear anything
at the knee or above and had to cover my elbows and underarms. I was a mess
for years. Not to mention my mother’s moods as she recycled about every
three days and had violent rages and paranoia. My world collapsed. She
became more and more isolated from her family. We were in bad economic
shape due to the impusivity in general and the purchase of a working farm in
particular. I remember promising myself that when I would leave home at the
age of 18, if life were not better, I would kill myself. At the age of 10,
I was a brash, up front in your face, bright little girl and by 12 I was a
little old lady recluse who couldn’t open her mouth.

High school was terrible. I did not date. Due to my mother’s paranoia, I
wasn’t allowed to go to games or socialize so I just read. I had four good
friends who never mentioned the smell to me but I heard them talking about
it among themselves. They were very kind and they saved me.

When I went to college, i noticed that not everyone was affected by the
smell equally. Some people reacted very strongly, some people only smelled
it at certain times. I went to campus doctors, none of whom knew anything
at all and were no help.

In 1970, for my junior year of college, I went to India for a year to the
Delhi School of Social Work. Due to the food and climate (and parasites), I
developed an unusual case of giarrdia which is usually cured very easily
with antibiotics. I found out that I had no immunity. I became so sick, I
developed ulceritive colitis on top of everything else. I lost 25 kilos and
had to return to the U.S. two months early otherwise I would have expired.

I married a person who was inappropriate for me and who made me miserable
because I felt that I would have trouble keeping a job and I wanted the
security. We were married for nine miserable years. It was a very hard
headed decision to make, there was little heart in it. I did it because I
had absolutely no family support either monetarily or emotionally. By then
both of my parents were completely sick and disfunctional.

Once I went to visit my paternal grandparents in Pennsylvania at their
invitation. I heard my aunt discussing what could cause such a bad smell
with my grandmother. I never let them know I heard it. Because my
grandparents had such a tough life with both of their children, I couldn’t
break their hearts with my story.

Over the years, I probably spent about $100,000 of my own money, after
insurance, on finding out the problem. I have had every test (except this
one) that you could imagine. Once a rabbi advised me to dress very well and
to be impeccably groomed at all times so that people would wonder and not
condem. I think it was pretty good advice.

Unfortunately, most of my gifts are in the people services and this problem
gets in the way. I have been fired a few times for the problem, of course,
they always say it’s from something else I did. I am a compulsive
workaholic because every time I get a job I have to do it 400 times better
than anyone just to keep it. I feel I have to be nice even if I am in agony
or abused, I have to be brilliant, creative, and driven. It has literally
taken years off my life. Only three doctors out of 60 have believed me and
genuinely tried to help me. Only two therapists in 45 years have been
helpful. I have spent so much money on doctors and medical services, and
therapists, i have virtually no retirement saved up. Eventually I had two
children who were very embarassed about the condition although they were
very sympathetic. If you come to my house, you may be willing to eat on the
floors. Everything has to be immaculate and orderly at all times because I
don’t want anyone to think that I am filthy.

My diet is very limited. Except for a bit of whole wheat and raw almonds, I
try not to eat protein. When I get a three day weekend, I splurge on a
slice of turkey breast. I don’t go out to eat with collegues or friends.
On account of the other stomach disorders, I do not eat raw fruits or
vegetables, oil or fats, spices, or caffeine. Needless to say, I do not eat
red meat or legumes, dairy products, etc. I try not to think of food.

If it were not for my love of nature and knowledge, and for the love of my
current husband, my gallant and loyal Prince Charming, life would not be
worth living for me. I am not depressed about it although I was for most of
my life. I made some bad personal and professional decisions based on it
and I have paid a price, although not too bad, considering the alternatives.
I am sad, worried, compulsive and ashamed although it is not my fault. I
have never shared all these things with anyone explicitly except you. This
is because you may be in a position some day to help someone. It is very
important not to pooh pooh this condition as at times it is better than
others or more or less with an individual and you may not sense it as
strongly as your patient’s nearests and dearests. It is heart breaking and
a big waste of life and talent. Anyone who puts up with it is a hero!

I have to stop now. I hope this gives you an idea of how it affects others
and I hope it makes you a better healer in all ways. If it is not too much
trouble, I would like you to share with me how metabolism is involved with
trimethylaminuria as I was not aware of the component.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: AustinKitten
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 6:38 PM
Subject: [trimethylaminuria] Educate me!

I can honestly say that I did not put much hope in receiving contact from someone who suffers, if you will, from this condition. So I do thank you greatly for being so willing to share, and I am in awe of your story. rubs hands together Well, lets see, you definitely know that diet plays a big role. As you said, almost no protein whatsoever. The reasoning being, items such as eggs, fish, organ meats, even your slice of turkey breast, perhaps, contain in part choline, carnitine, and lecithin, along with trimethylamine. This metabolites are usually broken down in the body by an enzyme known as FMO3 (flavin monooxygenase 3) into a non-odorous amine known as trimethylamine N-oxide. When someone has trimethylaminuria, unless it is transient, then this means that they have a mutation of the family of enzymes (flavin monooxygenase). The term transient means, of course, that it is not a permanent state. Women sometimes notice that during the time surrounding menstruation they develop the same inability to efficiently break down the aforementioned metabolites which leads to them acquiring an unpleasant odor. This is usually not attached to the genetic and metabolic nature of true trimethylaminuria. So I am very interested in the part of your story where you make the move out to the country and all hell breaks lose basically, and the stress that surrounded the time when it first occured to you that you had trimethylaminuria. Was it present in your system from birth, as a genetic defect and it just didn’t present itself because you had yet to have enough of a substrate (trimethylamine intact) overload to indicate that you suffered from it…or what? Because some people do complaint of their infants having the smell of fish to them, and it is more easily identified due to new screening. And then there are people that claim that just out of the blue they ‘developed’ the condition at a later age.
I really feel like I have not told you all that much about the metabolics of your condition, I guess I take for granted that you have done as much research on the internet as I have of late, for your own sake. I did find an article, actually a US patent for an invention, it was for the cloning of the flavin monooxygenase family. FMO3, the one that has the defect that causes your body’s inability to metabolize foods that contain trimethylamine. This is a very good thing from what I understand, it in essence means that one day replacement of the mutated gene will be possible. I am an optimist, as I hope you are! Thank you so much again for your story it was very informative and inspiring!

You did give me new information. I am seeing a doctor tomorrow and will
give him your informative article. Thank you for giving me a voice.

Joyce Dreyfuss

Have you found It to reduce the smell greatly or slightly or altogether?


I can totally relate with your story, I hate standing in lines especially when i cant leave them. The looks and comments are unbearable when your on a line.


Anyone got any issues with your body emitting to much body heat and the immediate area or room.

Reply if u read this!


I am blown away by your story but not supprise. I had a wonderful life and unlike like many of the others I did not grow up with it. I had been married for five years, we decided that we wanted to start a family, So, I got pregant. At first I ddn’t think much about it, I thought it was just hormones but to my dismay it didn’t go away after I delievered the first or my second son which was born threee years later. I notice at work that people started making comment, spraying air fresheners, and looking at me funny. I tried all kinds of soaps, spend alot of $, and cried alot of tears.

Here I am in the prime of my life and this appears. I was upset, disappointed, and depressed. Most people that I ask told me that they did not smell anything but there are other that treated me like I smelled like the back alley or a out house. I have been trying to make sense of this for nine years.

Last year I start getting clonics. I wanted to make sure my body did not have any waste trapped inside. Duing one of my session the doctor started asking me about my family history. I went home and ask my mom some question and found out some important information (operation as baby).

I was 3lbs and 9 ounces in the 60’s. there was not alot of technology for premature babies. The doctors told my mom to prepare a furnal… that is why she named me Penny. I could not pass my water and had to have a operation shortly after being born. The doctors hooked my bowels and blatter up incorrectly. They informed my mother but due to my size she did not want them to operate again so soon. The problem – she never rescheduled the operation. It wasn’t until years latter when I noticed that I had urine coming through my navel and begin to get sick that I had a operation at Georgetown University to correct the problem. That’s when the doctors discover my bowel were turned incorrectly. I believe that this is a big contributor to my issue and the fact that my mom had my brother and I the same year and we are not twins. I have two other sibling before us and two in stair steps behind us. There is no way my mom body had a chance to heal having children every year and two babies within the same year… Impossible…

I had done alot of research on this issue and believe that this what I dealing with as a person. Nothing else make sense to me. I believe that my liver was not developed at time of birth and due to other circumstances it puts me in line for TMA.

Life has been hell at times. I have been the joke of the office and I thought I was the only one who felt like I had to out perform everyone else, show them that I’m a nice person, or that I clean. wow I been let go off of contracts and have to move to anther office. My supporting manager was please with my work, I believe it is my issue that they are not in favour of.

I am working with my doctors to be tested. I trying to eat the right stuff and it sucks. at this point I don’t know what to eat. I’m trying to go organic, the food sucks…I am angry with all the adjustment that I have to make and the issue is not going away. At time it worsen for females… I’m trying to look on the bright side, at least I’m still alive.


Penelope hang in their.Hang in their were are you located?I’m in California were are you?If you 're in my are I would like to meet you.

Brown Sugar

Penelope wrote:

I understand too well.

Unfortunately, i have not been successful in the
work place. i can land a good job but then performance only goes so
far. you haave to be a team player and no one wants to play with a
stinky coworker. i carry a part time job right now. i temp at times.
but when i go onsite after so long the word spreads and they dont want
to take on a stinky full time guy at 40k a yeah when they can get
another to do it that smells great. i had one employer tell me that
after the fact once i signed confidetiality papers. at my part time
retail job, i came in contact with a guy that i knew had it. he looked
clean but i could smell him. no one wanted to wait on him but he comes
in regularly now because i wait on him and am kind and courteous to
him. i can sympathize.its slightly easier to keep a part time job
since i found after so long my body seems to radiate the smell and
heat. its so wierd. the temperature actually goes up in the immediate
area that i occupy. one time whhen i was orking in this call center. i
would come in and the temp wouldbe norrmal or nice and cool but an
hour into working it would be like 75-80 degrees. the techs would come
in and shoot their infrafred temp guns in the middle of the room then
at the vents and just be bewildered. its crazy i havent heard of
anyone else havint tamu and the body heat issue.

i have tried to put dollar amounts on the money ive spent trying to figure and resolve my
issues but it just saddens and disgusts me. the only thing ive found
that helps the body heat issue is like a mind over matter type thing.
ive also found that its a physiological thing too. if i try and stay
mentally relaxed it helps the most that and sip ice water. i saw
someone said they do stride bum for odor issiue but ive found it masks
the breath odor slightly but the sugars in gums actually makes and
induces the odor internally. hang in there is all i can say. when
things get too stressful for me i turn to the bottle. its the worse
thing for it i know, its like liquid sugar and its bad on the body,
and it results in alcoholism equals liver issues and death, but
sometimes its all can do to make it past the week. its either that or
a psycologost. and i cant afford 80 dollars an hour…


I never thought about that before. I have experienced body heat warming up
my area and people complain about it being hot in my area, when the A/C is
turned down 77 degrees. I never thought about it until I read your post/email.
Wow, I never put it together before until now. We have separate controls
in our office and each controlled by its own thermostat. Our A/C on our side
never stops. The others go on and off. Sheesh…I never thought it was my
body heat until now. Yikes!

My body heat must intense when I get nervous because my husband always
complains my arms are always cold as ice at home, plus I am always getting freezed
out at home due to hubby likes our thermostat set at 78. Go figure!

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Stinky Pete,

I can relate to your description. As soon as my external temperature gets above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, I begin to sweat, secrete oil, and generate heat waves. This was the case when I was a child as well. Within a couple of minutes of low impact workouts, I can soak through a t-shirt, and it takes a long time to cool down. My family members can feel heat radiating from my body even when I am seated.

At home I try to keep my rooms around 70 degrees Fahrenheit and low in humidity. I also use ceiling fans in each room to keep the air moving. I am usually a fast walker, but at work I walk slowly so that I will not become overheated.

When away from home, drinking plenty of water, staying cool and dry, and remaining calm helps with this condition. Eat several small low-choline meals per day, and check with a physician who can recommend probiotics or antibiotics. In my case, antibiotics worked better than probiotics.


My doctor had asked me to ask someone who suffers from the same disorder
what is the name of the antibiotic you are on? He wants to prescribe a low
dose, but he is new to this too and wants to help me gain control of this. I
have given up red meat, and eggs. I still need to watch my chicken intake and
condiments (cannot use mayonnaise).

Any info will help, and I am glad its not all in my head :slight_smile:

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What is the name of the antibiotic you are on? Or anyone else on any that
can recommend?

I am not sure if I need to direct my messages to one person since I have
barley started getting feedback. Maybe the system is behind??


I currently use Tetracycline 500 mg (antibiotic) once daily and Effexor XR 75 mg (antidepressant) once daily. I’ve also tried Doxycycline. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal upset, sensitivity to sunlight, staining of teeth, and toxicity to mother and fetus during pregnancy.

Some doctors and researchers have recommended use of Metronidazole or Flagyl.

No, but when I was really stressed and had eaten Boca burgers (soy is
another forbiddent substance) I could taste a horrible taste in my mouth
like bad Asian food. The diet has worked for me very well along with the
pills. I didn’t see any difference with the Flagyl but tried it. I
evidently have a mild case. I didn’t cause others to do anything except
comment on the fishy odor and move away from me. I am still not comfortable
with anyone trying to hug me or get too close. Counseling was a great
support, too.

The med used most often for this condition is called Flagyl.? Tell your doctor to get in contact with Dr Cashman or Dr Preti so he can better help you.

I had a few consecutive odor free days last week. I know what you’re thinking: “Big Stinkin Deal, Lady. Who cares?” But for me this is the most prolonged relief I’ve ever gotten despite juggling years of diet/supplement experimentation!

All this means is that it can be done. I was the BIGGEST skeptic but it appears that With discipline we can get some kinda control over this thing.

There was something I was doing right as far as diet and vitamin combo, that had a positive effect on the BO last week. Now I just gotta figure out what I was doing right. Or more importantly figure what I did wrong to make the smell return.

I wish I would have kept a food journal like old the old school TMAUers always say to do but I didn’t. Gotta go off memory and see what I can come up with. I can pretty much narrow it down to meat or sugar. One or both of them gives me severe problems.


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I know what you mean. Once every 2 months or ill get by with going maybe 3 or 4 days without stinkin or getting looks or gestures. I usually don’t realize it till the 2nd day or so…

When I tested positive via University of Colorado, I faxed my results to
Preti. He sent me dietary guidelines and sent me a sample of Derifil, an
internal deodorant. I take one every day and I avoid fish and seafood,
legumes, dark green vegetables, whole grains, dairy, eggs, nuts except
almonds meat and liver. This is working for me very well. I also take
Xanax when I get overly anxious because mine was partially triggered by
stress. I was diagnosed at 56, and it was the first time I had a problem.
It appears a severe hormone deficiency and stress brought out symptoms I had
never had before. I had a terrible taste in my mouth that I could smell,
and I knew something was wrong. Unfortunately, I accepted a job that was a
very unhealthy environment, but the director had told me otherwise before I
accepted the position. I was terminated for odor.

Through research and tenacity I got a diagnosis. I now work with an
endocrinologist who has consulted with Preti. He is truly the tmau guru.