Educate me about TMAU!

Kathi- I’m currently waiting for my test results. I too was fired for odor. Can you smell yourself? I can’t. Also, did you cause others to cough, sneeze, clear throat, and runny noses? Cause i do.

Desperate for Answers- Kevin

Kathi wrote:

Omg, I’m a 28 male and get the same response from others in my area. Coughing, sneezing, reapeated sniffing its crazy and embarrassing. Some. People I affect like that and others I don’t. I get that same response all the time. They say their throat or nose itches. Sometimes I can smell myself and sometimes I can’t. I found the older I’ve gotten I think the worse I can smell myself

Thanks for sharing. This week emotionally I’m rip. I just started a new job
and already I see signs of being the office joke. I feel your pain and
honestly I’m not sure how long I will be able to hold on to a full time job
for reasons that you mention below. I am very hurt and sometime angry… I
did not ask for this and I’m talented but depression get in the way of me
reaching my full potential due to working with people.

I worry about my family because if have been bless to make over 80k ayear.
My boyz are in private school and in alot of activities. I want them to stay
in them but not sure at the moment how long it will last. it ususally take
about a week and then the names and joking start which I see signs of. I’m
thinking of giving it up all together but I have little one to consider at
this point I’m not sure what to do…


On 9/17/07, stinkypete

This is an interesting phenomenon. I can smell myself more and more now too.

Do U think this means the smell is getting stronger?


Curious, what type of pills are you taking…Most of the time when I ask my
co-worker they say that they don’t smell anything… but at the same time I
heard comments about the smell. I’ve ofter woundered why some people have
problems with it and others don’t.m Either way, it is very discouraging and
jacked up. What are you eating… I’m still struggling…


On 9/18/07, Kathi wrote:

I don’t take any pills. I took chlorophyl in the begenning but they had no effect. I try to just eat lightly. I really try hard not to eat too much of any paricular food. When I do everyone and my body let’s me know. It doesn’t affect most of my family and some people on a good day. But on a bad eveyones nose itches and most smell it

Oh yeah, and most people cough too…

Heres a link i found to meet or talk to people in your area. if anyones in oklahoma id like to meet up or talk. email or message me.


I eat turkey and chicken, ice berg lettuce, carrots, squash, white bread,
salad dressing with no soy, sugar free Italian ice for a treat and lots of
fruit. It’s a limited diet, but it seems to be a huge help. The worst
reaction I have received is when I eat any fish or seafood. Also, NO eggs.
I take Derifil that Preti sent me. You can order it off the internet.

Thank you; this is helpful and I will give it to my doctor.

@Kathi ,

This is very helpful information, thanks. Do you have a full name, address, phone number and e-mail for Dr. Preti?

I live in Baltimore but I need a referral and will take any in sight. Thanks in advance.

Joyce Dreyfuss

Go to the Monell Institute web site, and there is a link to the odor center and information on him.

Penelope I enjoyed reading your post if you need someone to talk to feel free to email me privately Hang in their everyone it’s going to get better. We have to be positive. If you’re around the West Coast area we’re going to meet up in Balboa Park on the October 6, 2007 if interested contact with can our ideal on financil stragies better ways to prepare food. Come one come all less have a ball.Are you ready to laugh until your side hurts.We’ll have a good time all is welcome! October is right around the corner mark your calendars you can’t afford to miss this one.




please message me directly on my profile -


Thanks for the tip; I appreciate it very much.



Just thought I would write. Having a bad day to day and since I can’t get
many people to understand what I go though on a daily basic at work, I
thought I would email someone who does. It is hard listening to others
sneeze, cough, and weeze in my presence. I feel responsible for them being
unconfortable. I know that it is not much I can do about it and there is
always the threat of losing my job… Sometimes I get tired of the stree that
this issue brings.

I don’t know what to do about it! Sometimes peoplke comment about it and I
try to be strong but over time it wears me down. I try not to get angry at
others and wish they never experience what I am going through. I try to be
better, smarter, faster then others at time, hoping that they will see pass
my issue… never happens. people judge me according to this issue not my
talent… it truly sucks…

Can the person that posted the list of foods they eat repost. I’m going to try it again.
Penelope, I know what you mean. I too feel responsible for everyone else’s discomfort and often they let me know, often in an unsubtle manner.

Last night at my part time job I was working the halo 3 release and it got so hot in the area. Everyone was coughing and sneezing. It was so embarrassing. When times get tough for me and my stress levels get too high I have a couple drinks and go to sleep. I usually wake up feeling like it has all been wiped away and my stress levels have been knocked back to zero.

I do not eat meat, liver, seafood or shellfish, whole grains, dark green
vegetables, dairy, soy, nuts except almonds, eggs or legumes. I eat chicken
and fish and ice berg lettuce and bright vegetables and lots of fruits (no
bananas). I do eat a small container of Activia yogurt every day and it
seems to be okay. I take Derifil or you can take any chlorophyll tablet.

I may eat meat every now and then on a Friday evening when I don’t have to
go to work the next day, but I pretty much stick with the diet. It’s a
little monotonous, but it works for me. I can’t speak for you.

I assume most people on this list have tested positive for TMAU and know
they indeed have the disorder. You can Google choline and get a list of
foods with choline content. I hope this helps.

Now that a hormone imbalance has been corrected and I’m out of a very
stressful job I am fairly odor free. I am doing freelance consulting, and
nobody at my current assignment has had a problem. Dr. Preti gave me a
letter to any employer explaining the disorder. Mine was triggered by
working for a destructive narcissist. It was the worst job I could have
ever imagined. I take Xanax when I am in really stressful situations.

Hang in there, @Penelope !

It sounds like you try really hard and have really high standards. That is admirable, but I figured out that trying so hard is stressful, which adds to the problem. I started taking the easy way out and it really has helped! I take a lot of days off, use teaching aids like the TV that I used to think only lazy teachers used, and generally do whatever it takes to get the easy assignments. I used to be really self critical and hard-working, but I figured out I was burning out that way. Now I let a lot of stuff go, and somehow, I’m a lot happier than I used to be. That makes me smell better. If you can find ways to cheat just a little, it might help.