High Cholesterol Member Introductions

My name is Carrie,I suffer from f ibromyalgia,Depression,anxiet,Chronic pain,High cholesteroland much more,Iam going to court soon for my dissability soon.I would love to hear form anyone that knows what im going through

My name in Linda (I hate introducing myself, sounds funny) I am just interested in connecting with others that deal with the day to day existance of never waking up OK. I never know what each day will bring as far as my moods go and I’m so tired. I often think of ending it all but I know many think like this, it’s quite normal for people like me. I’m tired of having to pretend that I’m OK for everyone because those who have never gone through anything like this think they can fix us or that it takes will power. If it had to do with will power I think many of us would be cured because I believe we are very strong people.

Hi I have been dealing with fibromyalgia for many years, and nobody understands what I go thru and what Im dealing with.People out there think alot of my illness is in my mind and Im just looking for attention.I would like to find people out here thats going thru what I’m going thru and see how they deal with it.Would love to just connect and talk to anyone that deals with any kind of illness.

I’m Terri from Central GA USA. I’m 34, and I live with PCOS every day. I wake up everyday and I’m still fat, hairy, ugly and childless. Doesn’t matter what I do, I’m fat! Depression is unreal! I sometimes feel like a 55+ yr old lady going thru menopause. The mood swings, the cramps, oh the cramps. I know I’m not having kids. I have begged my GYN to remove it all since none of it works. Of course they say no! If anyone out there wants to another fat hairy friend, hit me up! haha

Much love to all of you cysters!

Terri @ http://www.myspace.com/lostnlonelysoul

Recently diagnosed with diabetes. Trying to find out more info on some of the strange things that are happening to me.

I am age 65 and have high cholesterol which was a contributing factor in my CVA of 9/12/2004. I am on 20 mg lipitor and a low cholesterol diet. My last check revealed a value of 225 but my doctor wants it below 200 considering my risk factors.