My daughter started school about three weeks ago. She was doing well the first week but then she went to visit her dad (the N) and for some reason she does not want to go to school anymore. Matter of fact she doesn’t want to go anywhere with out me. I’m not sure whats going on. She screams “I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go!”; “not without my mommy!”. This is happening when she goes to school and daycare, and on monday when her father picked her up she did the same thing to him ( not wanting to go with him).
My son on monday’s pick up did not want to go with his dad and cried, his dad said he could stay with me but when my daughter said she did not want to go (she was screaming and crying) he started yelling at her and actually picked her up and threw her in the back seat… he did it so fast and he was mad at the time that I had to yell out watch out for her hand because she was trying to climb out of the car. I felt so sick when they drove away I was so scared for her.
About 20 min after they left he called me and asked me if the kids have been going to daycare and I said yes on friday because I had a doctors appt. He then said that it is cour ordered that they go to him when ever I go out without them. ( this is not true, when I have to go out three hours or more he gets them). Let me just say that the kids have only been to daycare once in three weeks.
When my daughter came back from her visit on monday she looked like she was in shock… very timid… scared… and withdrawn. She said he was yelling at her for not wanting to go with him and he kept asking her questions.
I feel like I am going crazy!! I quit my job so he would not have the time with the kids. Less time with him the better. I am so scared for my children and the thing is that many people don’t see vebal and mental abuse as abuse. Because it is hard to prove since it leaves no marks anyone could see.
My daughter tells me I am scared to leave you because you might not be here when I get home. What is that all about?? It does not seem to bother this man the damage he is doing to his own children. At our last court hearing he told me his family is friends with the judge and he has friends who know the gaurd in the court room. So stupid me gave in … and now I am afraid to work! I feel like all my goals are on hold because I do not want my children to be with him more then they have to be. I can’t find any help … anywhere. police can’t do anything. My lawyer can’t do anything. CPS can’t do anything. My daughters counsoler hasn’t called me back in two weeks. My friends and family can’t do anything. Domestic violace programs can’t help me. what do I do?? I really feel like he is making me go crazy.