Irritable Bowel Syndrome Member Introductions

Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the community. Everyone here has something to share about Irritable Bowel Syndrome. For the discussion boards, we ask that you keep your full name and location private.

I have recently moved to QLD in February with my daughter and two loved pooches.
I have suffered CFS,Fybromyalga,IBS and Tremours,Asthma and onset of tiredness and memory loss for 22 years.
December 2006 I was diagnosed with cancer which had the same symptoms as CFS.
I refused treatment and live my life on pain relief and bed rest being cared for by my daughter.
I am active but tire easly.
I like camping but driving is out.
I enjoy swimming but my muscles go into spasms and the pain is unbelievable.
I live for my daughter and my pooches and a man i cant ever had, my EX.
I live solo and enjoy my days co-herient with my daughter and pooches.
I miss my two elderly boys but one day i still hope they come home and visit.

I saw this website advertised on another online community, and I wanted to see what it was all about. I really enjoy connecting with people who are struggling or have struggled with the same things I have. I hope that I can be a helpful part of this group.

Life is about health, family and friends, but sometimes its hard to keep focus on what is most important

Founder of the TransGlobal Health Community Center at

i have had ibs for about 8 years.i would like more doctors opinions on this condition. new diet ideas would be wonderful.

Levsen is a great "as needed" treatment for IBS. Just take it when you start feeling bad (its an under the tongue thing). As far as food goes, I know that if I avoid spicy (i.e. mexican), high fat content (i.e. italian), and greasy (i.e. fast food) foods, I feel alot better. Too much ruffage can actually be a trigger for symptoms also. Stress and travel seem to get to me as much as any particular kind of food. For anyone with GERD or an anxiety disorder, getting those problems under control will really help with IBS too. Hope this helps :)

Im interested because I have IBS-D, always interested in talking with others who have it aswell

I’m a petsitter,and have several illness and hope to get and give information on how to handle it.

i was dx’d in 2000 with crohns disease and then cople yrs ago with fibromyalgia. i also have degenerative disk disesae, depression, and anxiety,i htink thats all. i live in texas in the country. i am married have 3 kids and 4 grandkids. i enjoy deer hunting, fishing, old cars, and being with my family.

what kind of symptoms do you experience from Chron’s disease? I have heard that they are similar to IBS, which i suffer from. Are you on any kind of treatment? Do you think that your anxiety and depression stem from your other ailments and are caused by the fear of your symptoms or do you think it is separate?
I having been dealing with a lot of anxiety recently, but i feel like the anxiety has come about because of some embarassing and traumatic experiences i have had becase of my IBS systems. I have had some really bad episodes with D and i also have issues with fainting spells as well, so now i have become extremly fearful of being trapped somewhere that i cant get home quickly if i start to have symptoms. So my fear of having symptoms creates symptoms. it is a difficult cycle that i am in that i am having trouble breaking. Do you expericene any of these same issues??

jenemc wrote:

34 year retired educator and writer. 5 children. Married a looong time. I have had IBS as long as I can remember. Also have sleep disorder (IBS) and miserable osteoarthritis (Severe) up and down my spine. Gout. High blood pressure (IBS) Takes lots of medication.


when i was first dx'd with crohns, i had "d" constantly. had pain and still have pain in lower quad..around appendix crohns is around the valve where the samll intestines and colon meet. since being dx'd with fibromyalgia and basically living on pain killers to function, i have a lot of "c" constipation. but the dr has me on pentasa and imuran for my crohns. i am on tramadol for pain but when i take my pentasa, i also take metamucil, it helps to regulate bowel movements. crohns is hard to dx'd, as it is anywhere from mouth to anus and can be anywhere in between. if i can help anyone plz let me know or if you have questions, if i don't know the answer, i'll find it for you. plz forgive any mispelled words, i have arthritis in hands and with the weather the way it is here in texas, its visiting.

Thanks for the info. So how did they diagnose your Chron’s? I don’t really know what the difference would be between Chron’s and IBS. Are the symptoms the same?

jenemc wrote:

I have IBS C. It has gotton so much worse since my hysterectomy

I’ve suffered with constipation all my life but was diagnosed with IBS only recently. I was on zelnorm 2 wks when it was taken off the marke !

32 years old, female, struggling with IBS since I was in my early 20’s.

I am excited about this new site/group. I have had IBS since I was about 8 years old, however it was only diagnosed about 3 years ago and I am now 50. I found it very frustrating not knowing what was wrong with me for so long. I have other health thingys going on too, but I find IBS the most dibilitating with trying to stay a full time working person. I am guilty of not posting often @ the yahoo site, but hope to make some changes to that soon.

I have been very ill with at least 10 medical conditions. One time I refused to leave emerg until they could find what’s wrong with me. 25lb s lighter and back for the second time for hydrating. They admitted me when my husband got vocal on the scene and refused after the weekend (they just wanted to hydrate me and placate me enough to say they tried and then throw me out. he head of the hosp came up and said he could charge me with tres-passing or charge me what Alberta Health is charged foir beds. Finally a nurse got off her fine horse and thought (brilliant as my doc does not have hosp priviledges. I had 2 consults, one by a gastro and one b y a pain specialist. The gastro just looked,instead of the scoping he was going to do and pronounded I had irritable bowl. I saw the nutritionist there and she has nothing on Irritable bowel, every other bowel disease but that. A nurse who had the condition helped me out. The dr was an arrogant…jerk but they treated for IBS and sent home. I was in hosp 10 days. If they had given me credit, not trying to pin it on depression, I’d have been out in 3 or4 days. Now I have as a result of never ending vomiting I now have Barrets Esophagus. Do you know a place where I can take that? I don’tknow the diet or other things and I being treated and been scoped but need infoon food. This may or may not be the groupfor me

kronnshark has IBS ruled by D and has seen many doctors with little results. Meds dont help, special diets dont help even tried a mental doctor. what works for others?