You mentioned that it is difficult to let go and forgive. I am dealing with that too. The great thing that I have learned from this group is that forgiveness is really hard and extremely common amongst people who are dealing with Narcs. I feel better knowing that it isn’t just something I am challenging with.
The stories of why people get this disorder are heartbreaking. My dad was beaten and terrorized by his alcoholic father. He also had to witness his father beat his mother and older sister. We think that my dad’s older sister (my aunt) was also molested by my grandfather. She died from a drug overdose.
My Narc dad had a very difficult childhood and he certainly never wanted or asked for NPD. The kids of my dad and aunt (my cousins and I) grew up in a family with alcoholism and sexual abuse, but none of us have NPD.
It sounds like the person with NPD in your life was a spouse, or a former spouse. I am just guessing that his or her childhood was also rough.
I definitely sympathize with you wanting to forgive. The person in your life didn’t ask to have NPD just like people don’t intentionally get childhood diabetes.
The difficult with people with NPD is that once you have forgiven them for one thing, then they do two other cruel things so it feels like one step forward and two steps back. I have forgiven my Dad for a lot of my childhood stuff. I have a harder time forgiving him for what he has done in the last year.
One of the reasons I am doing the no contact rule with my Dad is because I don’t want to know what kind of craziness he is up to that is going to piss me off.
People on this site have been suggesting some readings and other online spaces to deal with forgiveness. I have been checking those out. (Thank you everybody!)
I am still learning the forgiveness part so hopefully other people will write you back that have more expertise in this area.
In terms of what you said about enigma, that might be easier for me to deal with. The one thing that all the psychological reading has helped me do is predict the Narc’s behavior. Now they don’t seem like enigmas at all.