Narcissistic Personality Disorder Member Introductions

I would like to learn more about how to effectively deal with and protect myself and my family from a person with NPO. There is a person in my church who has apparently destroyed a year and a half of work costing thousands of dollars intended to help educate adults and preserve or increase church membership through study of cutting edge Biblical scholarship and positive emotional development and active caring.

I am deleting this post as it may effect me in an upcoming divorce. All of you might look at this as this is a public forum.

I have a necissist mother in law. My husband coming from a narcisit family has many of the narcisitc sings.
I need help on making my husband understand that the relationship he has with his family is not normal and that he is a grown up person and need to be more independent.

I believe I am married to a narcissitic man. I want to talk to others living in this situation so that I can get a more clear picture of my situation. I am seeking help with co-dependency and marriage counceling. I need to talk about my problems, and to listen to others.

I had a boyfriend who was a narcissist.

Currently in the process of leaving a relationship with a suspected borderline NPD. Looking for the best way to start the healing process and get away/stay away from him for good.

I am a clinicial attempting to expand my understanding of this condition.

I am engaged to a man who has an ex-wife who I believe to have NPD. She fits all the descriptions and it gets harder every day to deal with the situation ranging from harrasment of myself and fiancee, to projecting her issues onto their 2 children.

My ex, I believe, has NPD, and I am concerned that my middle son is showing signs of NPD also. I was able to close the door to the relationship with my ex, but now am facing some of the same issues all over again with my teenage son.

I’ve been married to a narcissist for two years. I have just moved out in the last few days. I’m looking for ways to move on with my life and get over him.

Dated a female for a year who, too late, I realized she has NPD. Still reeling from this.

I am in the first stages of abandonment by a narcissist. We were together (not living together) for 2 1/2 years. I knew he was a narcissist after about a year, but we were engaged and I just let it go on. He was so romantic and funny and attractive (at times) - but it was all about him - ALWAYS. Anything good for me was criticized, anyone who was happy was scorned, he thought he was brilliant, but never read anything, just sucked information from people (including me.) If he didn’t understand something, it was ridiculed. He made degrading remarks about women… and then, he would bring me presents, cook, wash dishes, send cards. I wouldn’t agree to the wedding date he wanted - How DARE I? Everything was my fault. He became less and less attentive, more critical, then hung up one day because he said he couldn’t take care of his home and continue to come to mine (I often volunteered to share driving, but he would say no. He liked to be a martyr.) He sends me email jokes, nothing personal. Doesn’t respond to anything personal I say, doesn’t call, just email. It’s been 2 weeks and everything I know tells me he loved himself through me and my attention and compliments and attention. I am just so shattered by the trauma and the farse I’ve lived. I love him and I know there is no soul to connect with. Help me think the right thoughts to get better.

I have a 19 year old daughter that is NPD.

I have been in a relationship with someone for the past 7 years, off and on, who I truly beleive has NPD. My friend was married to his father who is also NPD. I have tried to end the relationship on good terms and it is not possible. I am suffering from severe depression and have been on antidepressents off and on for the 7 years I have known this person. Just looking for some support :frowning:

I was married to a man for 13 years whom I now believe to have had NPD. For so many years I could not put into words what was happening! I have been recently reading more about NPD and find that FINALLY I can put my feelings into words. This was my life. I have three children whom I share custody with, and would like to speak with people in the same situation.

I am living with a Narcissist/Borderline who is the father of my child.

I was in a 10 year relationship with a man that was horrific in the way he emotionally abused me. Just last October is when I finally started trying to find answers to what was going on. Was it me? Was I completely unstable? Crazy?

My 25 yr daughter my sister and my husbands mother and his ex wife,all have Npd.I was 16,and realized how all I had was my looks and sex appeal.And how I was getting special treatment,cause I was pretty and dumb really bad in school,navie.I also realized the day a girl begged me not to take her boyfriend,that something wierd was going on,and I may of been hurting people without knowing it.My sister was 14 when I was born older parents,overprotecting father,babied spoiled.I wanted to kill myself at 16 because I saw this kind of person was badI The above women are hurting people.Im looking how not to have to walk away from them,but also protected myself,maybe how to let them know thier not any better or diserve any better than the next guy because of spoiling or abuse in thier pasts.No one is above the laws of man or God Im now 300 pds and no hS dip or Ged .What my parents didin love and thiers fears has made my life hard to deal with.

Our son-in-law may have this condition. Our daughter has been married to him about 15 years. Before that she was involved 4 years with a guy much worse. Her entire personality has deteriorated. She was a popular, bubbly, social butterfly in high school. 1 year later this roller coster began. She now does not want to be with people because she is so self conscious. Her self esteem is rock bottom. It breaks my heart.

Hello, I have recently separated from my narcissist. I am terrified that I will cave in and get back together with him. I am looking for a community that understands the complexity of these relationships. Thanks for allowing me to join.