(Who the FECK is btdt100???)
Unpleasant though it may be there really is no way to avoid being led up the garden path without challenging misinformation and claims that contradict the available evidence.
Believe it or not, it is very BAD for people to be lead up the garden path online by people claiming to be caring and supportive of them.
This pretty much sums it up:
All who have experienced it can identify with the feelings but it is misleading to call it NPD and then add in a host of other aspects…
The issue is not about validating feelings. The issues have been about the misuse and abuse of NPD in that process, and the exploitation by Sam and others who have ulterior motives in misguiding – i.e. selling books, saving people, controlling, etc.
And there was a heck of a lot of analysis as to why those “Ns” do what they do such as obtaining “narcissistic supply”. What is this based on? Sam Varkin and that’s it.
I can never help seeing a parallel between those who support the cult of onlineNPD and those poor children who once being sexually abused become so twisted themselves that they go on to “groom” other children for their abuser…