As I learn about narcissism, I’ve started to notice the pained looks on the faces of people who have used me for a N supply fix. As they witness me sticking up for myself I can see what used to be an easy laugh for them turning in to very pained expressions. As this goes on I notice the depths they will sink to get a laugh.
I find my self feeling sympathy for their pain. It’s obvious that they are pretty thin on the inside. Especially when they feel attacked when you merely defend the idea that you are not a piece of crap and should feel lucky that they LET you stay on the bottom of their shoes.
There are people I care about deeply, affected with this NPD and they will fly in to a rage at the mere suggestion of something being wrong with them. Especially from me. Even though they believe something is wrong with them.
I think we need to remember that they are hurting people just like us. We might want to put a focus on bridging the gap. I realize some people are just to hurtful to try this approach. Some situations have eroded so bad, that there is no fixing them.
In my case, I know that my family members were trained to be a N. That’s the way they were told life is. So I can’t hold that against them. On the other hand, I don’t have to associate with them either. It is not safe for me to. Too many hair triggers.
I guess I’m trying to stop the hate in my own way here.
I’ll get off my pulpit now. Thanks for listening.