Why the double standard?

go away blitzen


I resent you attacking me just so that you can “take your mind off” your “own sh*t”…

Really I do.


Merry Christmas Suz-gaye-jo

Merry Christmas.

Oh Nic!!!

that little gem is so profoundly true…we wont be here forever. This is our stopover, this place of grief and anger and recovery (who cares about this forum, if we leave this one, we can go to another one)…but the merrygo round of our disordered relationships with our disordered partners is over even though I am sure like me, you all were wondering if it ever would (Mamolie I’m thinking and crossing my figners for you)…

and the recovery process, as painful, or ridiculous, as tearful, as frustrating as it can be, it will come to an end one day soon enough too.

what a nice thought you’ve reminded us of.

I was thinking as I was washing dishes with my son…it amazes me how on this forum, IQ doesnt equal EQ, and thank God, out in the real world there is an abundance of people, probably like you all, who can claim both. None of us is perfect but many of us dont have meltdowns on a regular basis in which we rage at others like theyre pieces of meat, or as Sam calls us, puppets for his amusement.

Jesus, if it was in my real life, like it has been in this loonie bin this weekend, I’d go run away into the Green Shield with my survivalist guide and build that log cabin and grow organic produce like I daydreamed I would when I graduated from university.

what a load of rubbish!

Another “loving, nurturing” thread, largely starring BirdofPrey…