Bipolar Member Introductions

I am Bipolar 1, and am currently on Geodon 60 mg, and also have PTSD. I am engaged to be married to a wonderful man on June 20, 2009.

I am Trying to help my ex-huband. He finally was diagnosed after I divorced him. But drinks with the medication. He is in a weekly fight. Goes to bars. Threatens to kill people when he’s drinking.He doesn’t think he has a problem. We even went before a judge and had him put in for help. He was out in 96 hours(that is the law in Mo.) He fooled the Dr. into thinking I am a mean ex-wife, Our son is 25, even he has given up . We can’t get help

In addition to having bipolar disorder, I recently became certified as a Peer Specialist to help others in recovery from mental illness. Despite this I still feel that sometimes I may need support and encouragement from others who suffer from bipolar disorder.

I am a bipolar alcoholic. Bad combination? Possibly… I am having, currently, problems controlling both. If I can just get my bipolarism (is that a word?) under control, I would be a little better off. And, obviously, I am here for some help with my alcoholism.

I am a rapid Bipolar cycler.I also have Crohn’s disease, mitro valve prolapse. I get up everyday and struggle with being Bipolar. Sometimes it seems like it controls me and I try to fight it. So far I am doing okay, I’ll be starting a new job soon.

i’m mel. ive been dealing with bipolar disorder since i was a child. i’ve been on anti psychotics since i was 14, i’m 21 now and i feel lost and scared.

was just told I may have this disorder and am not liking it at all thought i was just depressed. i know diet and exercise are important

other ppl with same condition

I’d like to connect with others who suffer from the same disorder as I do

my husband has been diagonosed with explosive personality disorder and the episodes have gotte worse since he has had 3 surgeries in the past 18 months and has been taking pain medication he refuses to accept the fact that he has a problem and I am need some support

I am a 42 yr old male, happily married, with 3 children, and 2 more from a previous marriage. I enjoy playing poker, spending time with my wife and children.

Have been bipolar all my life, i am 54 years old on meds which I take fffaithfully would like to correspond with other people with this disease

I’m 14,I am bipolar and if you want to know more about me email me @

I am bipolar and diabetic. I have a 30 yr old son Butch who is a fantastic tatoo artist and two cats Bug and Merle. I work full time and see my therapist every 2 weeks and Psychiatrist every 2 months. I take Depakote and lithium which work well for me and Clonopan everyonce in a while to help during certain rough times.

living with a bipolar man

Senior in college, currently in Dublin Ireland, born and raised near San Francisco, California.

Hi, I have an 8 yr old son, who I think could be bipolar. I have been reading a lot of information on the disorder and I have taken him to a psychiatrist and counseling, but neither can say whether he is or not because he is too young. I have been trying to keep track of his behavior and mood swings and gathering as much info as possible to prepare for his future. If anyone can help me with any info on children with bipolar disorder, I would be greatful!

I'm a 40-something female who suffers from Bipolar II Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  I have an excellent psych doc and psychotherapist.  Getting lazier by the day, quit working almost 3 years ago and have a claim in for SS Disability. I like talking to and meeting new friends online who suffer from the same disabilities as I. It gives me a great sense of support and helps me cope. 

I'm married, have two grown daughters, one grown stepson and two cats.  I welcome new friends and hugs. :)

I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at the age of 29 years old. Throughout my years I have also been addicted to alcohol. Although I take Duralith (Lithium) and Paxil, I still feel alone with my illness.
I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and have been feeling especially heightened or manic…

I am a maniac-depressive & have been living with it for @ 15 years. I take Lithium and Paxil to keep the highs & lows to more of an even keel. My past (before Lithium) reads like a novel out of the Sopranos. I seemed to meet all sorts of the wrong people and got off on dodging bullets.