my husband and all of his offspring are like this
my fiancee just left me with a “dear jon” letter telling me that the past 4 years of our life were one big lie. I am looking for understanding NPD as well as how to keep myself from never trusting again
My husband has NPD and it has been 11 years of mostly pure hell with him. After years of counseling etc. he has finally come to admit that he does have NPD, but doesn’t believe it is nearly as bad as it really is. I do know that he truely does not want to be the way he is and has at times looked for help to no avail. Is there ANYTHING he can do to get better? We have 4 kids who have suffered imensely, but still desperately love their father. We are Cathoic and eventhough we are legally seperated I do not believe in remarrying. Help!!!
10 roller-coaster years with possible n? Decisions 2 make about my future.
My x is a narcissistic person, our divorce is not final, he has lied, hired people to tell lies against me, used others, sacrificed his children by saying they and I abused him, etc… I want to learn how to go on with my life and how I could have let this happen for 26 years, Iwould like to connect with others going thru this same problem and any advice of how to get this divorce over with.
My husband is a NP. I am living with him like a hell. I want to know I can leave this relationship without getting jurt
I am in an almost three year marriage with a narcissistic man, without counselling for myself I would not have know
this word exisited that totally explained why my marriage was failing. I want to talk to others that can help me in the
inevitable divorce that is about to take place because he is
robbing me of any ability to care for my two children financially.
husband has rare is to pay bills,to be compesated,lawyer
I feel my husband is narcissistic and lies constantly. He has also cheated.
My mother, is narcissistic. I want to hear from others, it is strange and hurtful to see your mother giving to others and withholding to my younger brother and myself. I want to connect with other daughters of narcissistic mothers to see how it has affected them?
I woke up 5yrs ago to the realization that I had been married to a narcissist for 24 years. Two psychologists totally independent of one another were saying the same thing. This was in 2002 when my husband told me he no longer wanted to be married and that he had never loved me. Since 2003, when he left, he has not seen his 3 children. At the time it was all over whelming. The impact on the kids alone made me realize that I needed to learn more about this mental illness and how to deal with in as we move through our lives. Even though his family was so angry at what he was doing to us, they also did not like that I was trying to find answers and the answer that I kept coming back to was narcissism. How dare I use a “label”. Unfortanately, once you know what you now Know, you can’t go back. My goal is to continue to become educated so I can better learn how to interact with his family and periodicaly with him. We do periodically e-mail regarding legal related issues.
I believe support groups are very much needed when dealing with this type of illness.So many people are affected by narcissist individuals.
I am a partner who we believe has this disorder. It has destroyed our relationship.
Learn about condition and treatement of NPD
My dad is a narcissist. Up to this point I have been focusing on the impact of my mother’s borderline personality disorder, but I also want to look at the narcissistic aspects of my live and relationships.
I am a divorced 52 year old woman who was married to an alcoholic (it has been proven that the majority of alcoholics have some underlying personality disorder) for 29 years. I lived with verbal and emotional abuse throughout the later years of my marriage and finally decided to get out of it. I have had such peace and serenity for almost two years now and look back upon the dysfunctional aspect of my marriage and realize just how bad it really was. I would love to talk to others who are either in the same situation or out of it…I have read a great deal about this, and if I can help anyone out there, or if they just need a friend to listen, I am definately here for them. Please feel free to contact me!!!
Just had a lucky escape after finding out about NPD
I suspect my sister is married to someone with NPD.
My boyfriend has narcicistic personality disorder. He is making me crazy and I would like to hear about others experiences and how they cope.
I have been in a relationship with a narcissis for 7 years. I have just come to realize this and I am quite frighten. My mother was a narcissis too. I need support to build up my self-esteem and move on.
My older brother isolated my entire family from himself and his wife and son. Last friday he committed suidide leaving his wife and son with lots of debt. I don’t understand why he isolated himself and why he took his own life. At the funeral home it became apparent that he had no real friends but lots of acquaintances who he helped right and left, yet he ignored and rejected his family.