Hi Anne (&BIP),
Well, I went in for the food stamp appt. today & didn’t have my divorce decree with me or proof that I actually pay rent to my room-mate. I was told I would need to bring both of those back & the room-mate doesn’t want to supply a fictitious rent receipt because it may be assessed to him as income at a later date. I agree. It’s not worth the $32 in food stamps, so I won’t be getting any now unless I move out. Then I will have to re-apply. I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
I was notified today of 2 more traffic fines in another state (Florida) that I don’t recall or have the actual tickets for. One was for expired registration tags on my car. I have always gotten those before they expire on my birthday in January, so I can fax the court a receipt for that & they are redicing both tickets from $326 to $164. Not something I’m happy about, but I will put that amount on the one credit card I have left with available credit. I hope you can see how bad my mania hit last spring! I truly had no idea that I had accumulated all these tickets in about 3 months time. I almost wonder if now I will have so may points against my license that they will not allow me to drive anyway! I have to just keep plugging along with my bills & as afraid as I am to start working again (silly me…I worry about a nervous breakdown because, well…Gee…I had a terrible episode that lasted 4 months & landed my butt in jail!) No problem taking meds for me! I still yearn for a switch (and BIP…this parts for you, I was on neurontin before & I may go back on that…just don’t know yet since it’s all what the doctor will have for me after January.)
My main concern is the anti-depressant which is like a sleeping pill for me. I think my body has adjusted to it, because when I was switched from Remeron to Trazadone I had problems. I went back on the Remeron & now I’m having problems again. I do sleep, but it really is sporadic. I suppose work makes everyone a little manic, & that’s supposed to be in a good way so you aren’t just a zombie. I worked up until Feb '06 & that 2nd shift had me up until 4 am sometimes just to unwind. It was easier when the ex was in Iraq & I could sleep later. He came home & everything changed. By the same token, no matter which shift I get now (preferrably a 2nd shift because I really can’t get going in the morning AT ALL!) I am still living with another individual until I can afford a place of my own & his schedule absolutely affaects mine.
I don’t ever stay in my PJ’s all day. If nothing else, it might be 3pm before I get dressed & cleaned up, but I won’t even cross the road to get the mail if I’m not dressed. Anne, I definitely understand how you are living day by day right now. I am the same way. I think I might even feel happier about getting up & getting dressed in my own place. I have to keep telling myself that this is only a temporary situation & that next month I have to put my name on a housing wait-list & get a job. I need that job first, of course, because as I’ve said, I have no extra money until May & even then it will only be about $390/mon (that’s not enough to pay rent/food/utilities.) I am so overwhelmed with my credit card bills that I haven’t used them at all. I do nothing but pay for previous debts now (well…then there was that extra traffic ticket!) If I do not get a job & live in this same house, under the same set of circumstances, all of my credit card debt would be paid off in January 2009. So basically one year! I can’t even think about that though, because I can not take the thought of living here for another year.
No offense BIP, this isn’t a situation like yours where I’m dealing with an alcoholic or addict husband. This is a man I met at the hospital who befriended me & let me stay with him after my (ex) tossed me to the curb. He will say that he quit drinking for 3 months after our hospitalization. I can attest that he was already back to drinking with meds within a week & a half. He also weaned off the meds & no one can talk him into taking them again. Actually, at this point it’s best if he doesn’t because combined with his drinking it makes for a lethal combination! I am concerned with my own well-being right now & that alone. I am grateful I’m not out in the cold, but I will be grateful for employment again that will help me move out & not have to be in the current environment. (I used to worry about this man & care a great deal for his well-being. That is no longer the case. I think I will only begin to “like him” again after I move out. Perhaps that sounds cold, but at some point every human being has to take care of themselves.)
I will be better prepared to do that on my own. I’ve had a counselor tell my room-mate, “she may never be able to live on her own again!” (At least that’s what he’s said.) I had to put up with that drunken, “you’re my baby, you’re my friend” huggy/huggy stuff before he even went to sleep this afternoon. I have all I can do to maintain my sanity here. I absolutely have got to get a job because it is the one way I will be able to break out of this very awkward living arrangement. I often times think he really expects me to stay here & I worry about making plans to leave. I will have to have some money saved before I can do that because once I’m gone I don’t ever want to feel that coming back to his house is my only alternative. (Hell…I did date a man for a few weeks last Jan/Feb & I’m telling you, he gets possessive of me & so now I’ve decided I don’t even really want to talk on the phone with a new man I met on-line!) I just don’t need him to become beligerent with me. And yes, I’ve always made it clear that I am under no circumstances wanting a realationship with him. Nonetheless, he’s seeing things through an alcoholic haze.
I will feel more secure, less sheltered & more independent on my own. That day will come & I dread the wait…but we all know…it will one day arrive.
And I just read another one of your letters, BIP! (I missed one along the way!) As for not looking at my budget? Well, I do put it down…but I had to pick it up today to adjust for the extra traffic fines! I actually like looking at it because it tells me what I needed to know (such as worst case scenario…not being able to move until May & another full year to pay off all of the credit card debt.) I find if I have the worst case outlined…well, it at least lets me see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! I may be 52 before my debts are paid off & by then I’ll probably need another car, but I won’t have collectors hounding me, my credit won’t be destroyed, & hopefully I can move back to Colorado without so much manic residue!!
Anne, I hope your meds kick in for you, too. I guess for us to attempt acting normal (like getting dressed for the day) is pretty par for the course after we’ve sustained such devestation. I think you’re alot like me. My room-mate is in his pj’s or work clothes & on the off day when we do errands, he does get up early (6am today) but I think he’s a little agoraphobic & doesn’t like to go anywhere unless I’m with him. He is sometimes paranoid from his drinking. This house is very dark so he can sleep during the day & when the light on the computer desk broke & there was no bulb, I put a little table lamp of mine in here. I went from a 25 watt bulb to 100 & now I can actually see! I need alot of light where I live & after I move out I’ve thought about getting one of those SADS light boxes. I’ve had one before & it helped with my sleep/wake cycle. Just another thing I’ve lost along the way. Something to replace just for me…just because I want to do everything I can to feel better.
I think that everything you do to feel normal will have the effect of making you feel normal again! And I sure hope you can take Peanut with you! I have to think long & hard about taking a kitten with me because even minimally…it will take money from my own grocery budget. I can’t think about it now because until I have a job I don’t even have a budget for moving out. It’s best just to love the 2 kitties while I live here (& pray that the room-mate doesn’t abuse or kill my favorite because he hates her scratching.) I would think that you’d be a very good care taker for Peanut on your own! I believe a dog is a wonderful companion & it used to force me to walk mine a few times a day. Good for both of us!
I didn’t know that your room-mate has a care-giver. So I suppose she is on disability, too? In that case I feel probably much as you do. We are able to live somewhere, but it isn’t the best of all possible situations…& perhaps we will achieve even better mental health when we are out on our own. I would like to think so! (I can live on micro-wave meals & maybe only have to cook once in awhile.) I bet you could do the same. Don’t feel so bad that you don’t do all of the cooking now. I did some cooking a year ago & found that he wouldn’t eat it anyway. So now I just let him cook occasionally (except for a huge fatty breakfast which I’m almost never in the mood for & he prepares like clockwork every morning.) At night I have a micro-wave meal or a salad or some soup (all 3 if I’m really unable to curb my appetitie!) Ah! I just realized it’s early evening & I should start the dishwasher & call my girlfriend in Colorado.
Before I close, I just want to leave you with this thought. My room-mate handed me the mail today & I opened the letter from a law office about my traffic tickets. He said, “don’t go getting all manic!” He later said, “And you want to go off your lithium?” Both of those were rather mean statements. First of all, getting upset is not being MANIC! As for the lithium statement, considering the source: someone who went off his meds a year ago, that was uncalled for. And finally, I have always maintained that my last episode was so bad I wouldn’t go off my lithium…although I might request a different mood stabilizer so I could lose weight & not have to use the bathroom so much. I think your room-mate’s statement about sleeping for 24 hours being an indication that you shouldn’t take Peanut because you can’t care for him is very much another mean statement. We both live where we live because we have to at the moment. We are bound to have our ups & downs (primarily downs for both of us right now) and it is difficult to want to get dressed & feel or act normal when we are still recovering from a terrible episode. I suspect you will try to cope with comments from your room-mate as I will mine, Anne. Then there will come a day when you will not have to “act” normal. You will actually feel that way. I bet that doesn’t happen until we are able to become independent, but pray like nobody’s business & try some faith. 2008 may be half over before we see the light of independence, but oh what a glorious moment that will be?!
The emails on this site mean so much to me! I really think they are the only thing I look forward to & count on! Thank you for sharing your lives with me! You are my friends & you both are very dear to me!