So afraid

Hi Lori,

Just wanted to ask you if you knew any Graham’s in Portland. There were 10 kids, and my husband lived on 7th and Couch, right behind the East Tavern on Burnside. He went to Buchman grade school, and Washington High and became a big football player with the Lipskins, Reynolds, Staudimier (sp) and can’t remember the rest. He was the only white boy on the team. He remembers when they started bringing in the chinese to Washing, and the football team wasn’t happy. Any way just a brief note,


Hi ladies,

Lori, it isn’t talking about your roommate behind his back!!! If you were going to this and that person and running him down, then it would be. But you aren’t. That is a counselor, and then us here, that is not talking behind his back. You need help in dealing with the situation you live in, you aren’t just being vengeful, or nasty, or hateful, you are seeking help!

In you saying that though, are you sure there aren’t some feelings for him? a strong sense of friendship? Or maybe more? Any one that doesn’t have this feeling, wouldn’t be having any sense of loyalty to this person. It sounds like you may have a sense of something for this person. Just an observation or opinion.


Hi Ann,

It’s funny you would mention what you got from your daughter. I got the same thing this summer from mine. I had lost all of my pictures of the kids, so she “scrapbooked” some of their pictures, in a book dedicated to me. I cried all the way through my book. It is a very special gift.


Hi Anne,

I wish you two could figure out how to live together, or find someone just like her. But that is pretty impossible isn’t it?

Any way, I’m glad you consider me as a friend, we seem to never had enough friends, esp. those that can understand our bipolar, and the things and places that we have had, or been.

I would love to hear your accent! I love the Aussie accent. Have you ever tried Paltalk? If you invest in a microphone and cam that fits on your tv somehow, or if you pay for it, not sure about any thing actually, but some you can hear talking, and they are from all over the world, and there are several that are from the Australia and the UK., it would be neat for you, me, and Lori to set up a bipolar room, but primarily for the three of us. I think it would be so neat. Actually in Yahoo we could set up our own chat room if we wanted to. I could start it if you two would be interested. Let me know?


Hi Anne,

I was on my hotmail account & noticed you had just been on here! That’s always like a nice surprise to hear from you! I stayed in bed until about 3pm again & just got up to clean up the dishes in the sink have a snack & smoke. I never even bothered to get dressed today & it makes me feel disgusting on the one hand…don’t care on the other. My room-mate also went back to bed this afternoon & about 5 I heard him, so I thought I’d get up & go through the motions of at least trying to wish him a Merry day. He was on his way to his brother’s house & I was invited, but I begged off (he did mention I look a little “rough!”) I thought that was kind of funny, but it’s true…my hair all over the place from tossing & turning!

I wanted to ask you, Anne…if the Zyprexa helps you sleep? I only took it for a brief time 7 or 8 years ago, & I don’t tolerate anti-psychotics very well. Does this sound strange: it’s almost as if I feel more out of touch with reality when I am on those! Does the effexor help you sleep? I wasn’t on that long, either…& I seem to remember having a sleep aid with that (trazadone, I think.) I have been on the lithium for about 5 months this time around. I’m not psychotic, but this sleep thing has me very worried. If I don’t start getting a good night’s sleep…& by that I mean being able to fall asleep by midnight without that groggy I want to stay in bed all day feeling…I worry about losing it again. I seem to recall that Neurontin, as a mood stabilizer, made me very tired. I wonder if it would help to take all my meds at night or something. I know a lot of my problem is depression, but I don’t think the sleep problem is related to that…as a matter of fact, I think it is the other way around. And frankly, when you go to bed, say around midnight…& you have to get up to use the bathroom 3 or 4 times before you fall asleep…it’s harsh! Plus I find I am getting up early to take a morning lithium, going back to bed, & I’m right back to having to use the bathroom 3 or 4 more times! I am not going off my lithium because I live in fear of having another breakdown…but I sure hope I can try the Neurontin again when I see my doctor next month. If not, I suppose I could go back to the other doctor who prescribed it in the first place! So I’m hoping to have a good 4 months of stability under my belt, too, Anne! Just hope the neurontin will do it for me because I feel like I live to go to the bathroom right now! (In a way it’s funny…but it’s very annoying, too!)

I got some chocolates for Christmas, too & my room-mate knows I feel fat, but he just cooked enough food to feed an army yesterday, so he wouldn’t have to today. Still…I know that food will last quite awhile & I wish he didn’t make so much. He certainly doesn’t eat much (just his standard breakfasts! Lol!)

We set up a Christmas palm tree I had, & although it looks nice, I really just want the holidays over with & the tree packed back up. I can’t even fathom having a Christmas here again next year, or even one on my own…but that is so far away, & much change can happen. (Hopefully for the best!)

Would you believe I’m almost tempted to stay up all night tomorrow just so I can make it to the counseling session? That’s terrible, but I think it would be better than falling asleep at 5am & having to get up at 7 am! I realized I still had some remeron left over from when I was switched to trazadone briefly, so I guess I’m not close to running out of my meds (& I have plenty of lithium because the doctor said it might help me lose weight if I only took 600 rather than 900 mg.) I may just cancel the counseling appt. & see about when my next appt. w/the PDOC was. Part of my wants to go to the other doctor, but if there’s a chance I could get a sleeping med added to my pills, I would be willing to stay where I am. (Yes, it’s been my experience that the docs don’t want to prescribe them because of abuse or they’re too hard to get off of. But I have had them years ago & I read how many people with BP need them for anxiety…something I feel most of the time!)

When you go to the lithium & effexor, you’ll pretty much be on what I’m on now. Just lithium & the AD, Remeron. So I imagine we’ll be going through the same things, even in the future!

You mentioned a place with a small garden! That sounds so nice! I have always had gardens at the homes I’ve lived in when I’ve been married. Sadly, my last husband was so much younger than I that we didn’t own a house until '04 (& since it was deeded in his name, he kept it.) I sometimes wonder if I should go back to Colorado & live with that man I used to date. He recently bought a beautiful home with 5 bedrooms. Then I say to myself…no, just try to make it on you own. It has me indecisive though. Here I would get an apartment (which is actually pretty nice) but I don’t know if I’d need a washing machine or have to find a laundromat. It’s been so many years since I lived on my own & I had something to help me fall asleep, local friends, and 2 PT jobs & 1 volunteer one. (For a total of 50 hours a week!) I guess like you, I want to feel right on my meds…& right now I just don’t. When do you see your doctor again, Anne? Good luck to you & please let me know how it goes!

One last time, Merry Christmas! Hey! We made it through another day! That’s pretty big news for us at this point! Sleep well!

Love Lori

Hi Anne & BIP,

Merry Christmas to you both! I got the gift I most wanted today! A battery for my car! And tried out the old beater around the block & done another paved road! It’s running alright! I don’t know how much I trust it because it’s broken down twice in the past year…but hey, it is running & in a few weeks I will be able to get my license reinstated & that means more freedom & independence. I’m hoping I can gain employment again, but I’m awfully scared!

I went to bed last night @ 9 & was still up until 3! What the heck is this all about? I sure hope my doctor will give me something to sleep because apparently the remeron isn’t doing it any more. Well…that’s just my wish for the New Year!

BIP, I moved away from Portland with my family (to NY) in 1969. I have very little recollection of Portland except for a few streets I lived on. I’m sorry I don’t know any Grahams. About the only people I have any connection to from there are my cousins, an aunt, & my parents. When I say I wish I lived there, I think it’s because it’s a city & there are more jobs, more things to do, & usually better mental health systems.

I had a web cam & microphone on my computer when my ex-husband was in Iraq. It was really neat, as you’ve said! I don’t want to bother getting one at this house because the service is dial-up & very slow already. I may get one for my computer when I move out though! That would be fun! I don’t even have the capacity to IM on yahoo here. Don’t know why that is, but I don’t.

I guess I do have some feelings for the man I live with. I’m not so immune to feeling gratitude that he has allowed me to live with him. I also feel his pain because he’s bi-polar II & I think when his 2nd wife died after 22 yrs of marriage, it fueled his drinking. I guess Anne understands when she said the man she lived with would get drunk & talk to himself. My room-mate does that & gets angry & I believe paranoid. It’s not that I have no concern for him, it’s more that I FEEL his anger even though I know it’s not directed to me. But feelings of another nature? Absolutely not. Some of the things he does are pretty gross (falling asleep/passed out with tabacco & drool coming out of his mouth. I know you’ve seen “drunk” & it really isn’t pretty. But I’m not even going to say anything to him about his drinking. It really isn’t my place. I occasionally have to separate myself & just walk away from a rant…but that’s all I can do right now & it’s going to have to suffice until I can afford to move out. Anne, I’m with you 100%. This is a place to stay, but that’s it.

It’s so difficult to feel positive. I find I am reclusive & really don’t want to go anywhere with my room-mate. I took a bath before bed last night & look…I was up another 6 hours! I washed my hair today (about when most people are sitting down to an early dinner! I am having a really hard time, too. I realize it’s depression, but I’m taking an anti-depressant! I would rather have something for sleep, too. I would have to try not to get up & take something just to go back to sleep! I already do that with benedryl & lately it’s not working! GRRRRR! It’s so hard to think I’ll get this squared away!

Anne, I hope you are able to “fake it” for your sons a bit over the holidays. I have a feeling they must know how you feel about all that you’ve lost. They will be happy for you when you come out of this depression. And I’m anxiously waiting for your med change! I hope the lithium helps you! I think it helps me…but I don’t know if it’s helping my sleep or my depression. Have you heard of lamictal? My son’s girlfriend takes that. Of course I’ve heard good & bad things about it. I have heard that it doesn’t affect your weight & it seems to have a better anti-depressant effect than lithium. I think it can be used with lithium…but most of the time I’d prefer to be taking as few meds as possible!

I sure hope you ladies are both doing well today (Christmas Eve) & look at it this way…we’re almost done with the holidays!!! Anne…next year will be better (I can’t promise you, but I want to believe in that for us!)

I love you & like BIP, I’d love to hear that wonderful accent!
Merry Christmas,

Hi you two ladies,

I can so relate to what both of you are talking about.

No, when a person is slobbering drunk, it isn’t a pretty sight. I know how disgusting that is! One of my b/f I had when I left my husb. in '85, was an acute alcoholic, and that was the way he was when he was drunk. When my uncle was drunk, he was the same. So I do understand.

About sleeping! I am having the same problem as both of you. I sleep maybe two or three hours, or if I get lucky four, then I’m up for another two hours, then maybe back to sleep before it gets daylight. It is difficult at times to work when I have this kind of a sleep problem. I was on Trazadone for a while, but it don’t help when I work, as I have the drugged feeling the next morning. My husb. is on it now too, but he says if I would take it every day, on a regular basis, that feeling of being drugged the next morning would leave. But I’m not patient enough to weather it out. He doesn’t work, so he can do that; but with driving you can’t be hung over.

Any way, I’m just as frustrated as you two are about not sleeping. It would be so wonderful to sleep for an eight hour sleep without being disturbed by having to get up for any thing, or because I just wake up for what ever reason, and can’t go back to sleep. I am going to make an appointment with my doctor. I’m going to try Noretryptaline. My daughter is on that, and she swears by it. I remember being on it a long time ago, and I believe it did help me to sleep. It also is good for pain. Maybe it would help the fibromyalgia.

Any way, I’m glad you got that battery! That is so cool! I’m glad your car even went around the block!!!

Well you two, I love you both!

Hi Anne,

I also know about the hot flashes. I hate to brag, but I am so glad I am over that phase of my life. I’ve been done about 10 yrs. now. It was awful! I didn’t have the hot flashes though, I had the night sweats. I’d be so HOT!

I think I will try to set up a chat room; however, right now I am sick, with the sore throat, swollen glands, and sore ears. But I had to work xmas, which I didn’t really mind, if I had of felt better. But the dispatcher was, or is sick too! So I wasn’t alone. This stuff is going around here in Pendleton right now, and it is no fun! I guess I should of gotten a flu shot, but some that got one, got this stuff any way, so I’m not sure a flu shot would of helped.

I also wish I could get some sleep! I think I will ask for Noratriptaliene. (sp) I was on this a long time ago, and it was pretty good, but as usual I went off it! But it is also good for pain. Maybe it would help with the firbromyalgia and arthuritus, and all the rest of the pains I have.

Any way, I slept now for about 4 hours, now I’m back up talking to you two. I have to work tomorrow at 10:00, good thing I don’t work early morning hours, I would never make it!

Any way, love you both,


This will be my 2nd attempt at writing back to you! I had almost completed my email & received a call back from my counselor on my cell phone. She asked if she could call me on the house phone, so I had to shut off the computer (dial-up service! Ugg!) I was so happy to find out that she would be scheduling my appointments for 11 am after the 15th of January. It is impossible to get up early after not sleeping & even 11 is early for me, but I will try to get on a better pattern here. I wasn’t able to get a later appt. with the Pdoc than 8:40 am & I was basically told, “stay up all night if you have to so as not to miss that one!” My counselor knows I have had problems with sleep for the past month, & she too seems to understand it is causing me anxiety. I just worry it will lead to another episode…if not manic, than depressive & neither looks good. I pray the PDoc will give me a sleeper of some type! In the meantime I’ve read that the Remeron I now take has more of a sedating effect in smaller dose. I am going to try with a 1/2 tab tonight (7.5 mg) & see if this is true. I am out of the benedryl, but if my room-mate is agreeable, perhaps we can run to the store before it closes & get some. (His hours are messed up too & he’s in bed right now at 4:30 in the afternoon. I wish I could drink like that & just pass out, but it only makes me sick & adds to my depression. I never touch the stuff because it’s plain to see the effects it has on him, & it’s not the least bit appealing.)

You said you were working today at 10 am! I commend you on that! Even that is early for me! At least right now. A couple of years ago I was a substitute teacher & would get calls at 5:30 am to teach that day. I have to admit I didn’t take too many jobs, but I did it probably twice a month. I’m really hoping to get a 2nd shift job, too (my room-mate will start that shift in about a week.)

I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well. At times I’ve had very bad side effects from meds which were much like the flu.

Isn’t Amytriptaline an older tricilic AD? I’ve heard it works well for sleep, too. I think I may have been on it many years ago, but went off it too. Don’t all of the AD’s that make you drowsy also make you gain weight? That may be why I went off of it. I know my remeron does, too…but I’ve got to have something to help with sleep & the docs never want to prescrible ativan or Klonipin because they are addictive. I’m getting to where I just don’t know what to do…that’s why I was hoping the Neurontin would help. I know it’s sedating, too…& the best thing was that you didn’t need your blood levels checked all the time. (I haven’t had me lithium levels checked in over 6 months & it bothers me that the system I’m in doesn’t pay closer attention to this.)

Dispatch? Did you say you work for a taxi company? What a neat job! How on earth did you stumble onto that? This area I live in is very small & I don’t think the cab drivers make enough to live on really. Then again, I’m thinking about a convenience store job just to get back to work because it is primarily a 2nd shift (but that picking up a graveyard shift now & then might be really hard! A job that is changing shifts isn’t always good for me either.) One thing’s for certain, I won’t be able to get out on my own if I don’t get a job. Finding a female room-mate might be better than the current circumstances. I do intend to ask my counselor about that, but being such a small community, I’m not all that hopeful.

I can’t believe how happy I feel cancelling my counseling appointment! I’m not all that much for talk therapy unless it’s with a prescribing doctor. It just seems kind of pointless unless there are resources that go along with it…& since I’ve been doing this for quite awhile now, it doesn’t provide me with any coping methods, really. After my PDoc appt on Jan. 3rd, I will see if there is an agreeable med change…& then I will go back to my previous doctor (although I have a long wait when initiating either appt.) I feel like I’m just not finding my “niche” with counseling & it always seems to be more about meds than therapy.

You are lucky to be through with menopause. I have skipped a month here & there the past year, but when I finally get my period it lasts for 2 weeks. Very frustrating! (At least they are light, but still a hassle!) I have had hot flashes, but I really think some of it’s been related to meds & weather. My room-mate also keeps the thermostat way up high & sometimes I get up in the middle of the night & turn it down (of course occasionally I am “found out” & get a real talking to!) There’s a ceiling fan above my bed & if I keep the heating vent closed & turn on the fan, I find I rest more comfortably (notice I didn’t say “sleep!” LOL!) It was only a couple of months ago that it was still getting to 90 degrees outside. Georgia in the summer is terribly hot & humid. I know my car’s AC is about ready to go. I hope a med change before summer will help with the flashes (& I won’t miss going to the bathroom every 2 minutes, either!) I don’t remember Neurontin affecting me the way lithium does. I think I used to get nauseous though, have an upset stomach a lot, diarrhea? Does any of this sound right to you? Something that goes away? I think I was on 1200 mg split in 2 daily doses. I think I was alot more tired…but I’m not sure. I was also on Cymbalta (an AD) & that was supposed to be for pain and depression. It was activating, I think. I just don’t remember feeling anything but panic! Then I was given Abilify & I took that twice & just felt like I couldn’t sit still. I won’t take that again, & I try to stay away from the Anti-psychotics because they seem to give me that depersonalization feeling. Have you ever tried lamictal? Do you know anyone who has? It is supposed to be better for depression than lithium, but my counselor said it may make me anxious like some anti-depressants.

Well, not trying to make this a drug symposium! Just wondering if you had any helpful “tips”?

Hope you feel better soon & let me know if you get some type of chat thing going. The room-mate has talked about gaining access to Yahoo messenger…but not sure how he’ll make out with it.


Hi Lori,

Take a look at your email down below. I had a friend that sent me one this way, so she wouldn’t forget what I had said, and she wanted to respond to every thing. So I done the same thing. I didn’t know it was so easy to it this way. So you will probably get my replys this way now, ok? lol You can do the same with mine if you wish.


So glad you are OK!!! I’ve written you several times with no response from you–have I done something? What’s up??


Hi Phoenix,

Good lord no you haven’t done any thing to upset me at all! I’m not sure why I haven’t answered. A lot has been going on here for about a good month now, and that could be why, who knows?! lol. but I 'm sorry you thought I was upset with you. No, you haven’t upset me. I haven’t been going into CP very much, since I get all of your emails any way, and when I get in there I don’t know when to get out of there. I just go on and on, as there is so many things to comment to; or say; or ask, so I try to stay out of there when I am tired, like I am right now. I answer a lot of emails when I get home, so if I have missed yours, I am sorry.

As you know I am driving cab now, and work 32 hrs. a week, which started out to be a part time job. But I love doing what I am doing, but I should slow down before I get too tired again.
I am still wanting to start an Alanon meeting in here, but don’t know how. I know what I want to name it, but don’t know how to get it started.

By the way, I found paltalk, and love it, but am having a problem finding out how to start my own chat room for alanon. I did find your link to alanon, but couldn’t get into the chat rooms. Don’t know why, but probably something I’m doing.

I did email you in cp, I thought, but maybe I didn’t. I’m not sure why you haven’t gotten any of my emails; but maybe I screwed up somewhere. Wouldn’t surprize me a bit, as I do that easily.

Any way, if you have any suggestions, write me. My email address is: or; either one I’ll get it. I like them both, however I like my s/n in really well. The bip stands for bipolar.

Email me if you wish.


Hi Lori,

How you doing? I just feel 'flat’at the moment and will be glad when the new year is here and hope it is a good year for us both!

I went to Ben and Emma’s on Friday night it was good to see them again and they enjoyed their time away.

I have managed to get washed and dressed today…been spending time in my night clothes but thought I better not get into that habit. My friend hardly ever gets dressed and often goes shopping with her night clothes under her day clothes…don’t really want to ‘go there’.

Well I got a new book by my favourite author for christmas and I have not even started reading it yet, been watching TV most of the time. I have also been looking on-line for houses to rent and have decided that I will rent private again so I can get something nice, in the area that I want. It will be where I use to live so will have to perhaps face a few of the ppl who knew what happened to my last house there…but I love that area and know I will have more chance of making it there.

I am still going to bed early and trying to ‘lose’ myself in sleep as you know it does not work and I spend time with my mind just turning over thinking about the future. I have still not come to terms with my past and wonder if I ever will.

I am thinking of going to bingo tonight…because I need to keep going out or when I get my own home I will become a recluse.

When do you get your license back? it will be good for you to be able to go to appointments etc without having to rely on your room-mate.

Well! I will close for now…take care Lori.

Anne x

Hi Anne,

I often wonder if I should rent in the military town where I used to live. I know I could work at Bingo again on the Army base there, but it’s like you mentioned…many people there know what I did & because my ex-husband’s girlfriend has sort of moved into my old house & made friends with all the neighbor ladies that used to be my friends, I would never feel like it was “my town” again. Besides, my ex-husband had a restraining order on me & although it’s expired, any little move I might make that would bring me in contact with him could lead to another term in jail. I am more afraid of him doing that than he would be frightened of me…but I need to avoid that area altogether.

I have been having a rough time of things again, too. up today at 4:45 pm & had a cup of coffee because I haven’t lately…but I still have problems sleeping. By the time I got up my room-mate, who’s on vacation until Jan 2, had left to visit his son. I took a bath & got cleaned up before I realized there’s no mail run on Sundays! (See how bad I’m getting! Days just sort of blur together for me.)

I believe I will feel more comfortable about taking care of myself when I live alone…and yet with the way I’ve been unable to fall asleep until morning & restless at that…& then I stay in bed 'till afternoon…I’m just scared I won’t get it together enough to work without a change of meds. And no work means 8 or 9 months before I have enough things paid off to move into even a low income place. I’m just so confused & I feel I’m just hanging on in many ways.

My room-mate has said that he feels bad that I stay in bed so much because he feels as though I don’t like him. Without trying to rant…I have pointed out that his drinking changes his personality & I don’t like to be around that. He has even acknowledged that his drinking is excessive, but he doesn’t want to go to the hospital again to deal with it, or take meds, & I agree that Cold Turkey for him might send him over the edge. At least he acknowledges it occasionally. Underneath it all…he is a caring man. I just think I will not get over half of my anxiety until I can be on my own.

Now I may have mentioned that my parents have been sending me a bit of money each month. That is the only way I’ve been able to pay my late bills & traffic fines off. A few days ago my Mum emailed me that I should send them my largest credit card & they would work on paying that off. That means that instead of living without & just paying my bills as I have been, I will be able to pay off all credit card debt by August rather than January of '09! That is a huge help to me & since I had transferred about the amount of the balance on that large card from my ex-husband’s cards before we separated…I feel as though they are helping me rid myself of him! (LOL!)

Nonetheless…without a job, the disability I get isn’t enough to survive on, so I don’t want to live where I am and just get by, or be unable to put gas in my car. Therefore…I have to get a job soon. It makes me very tense to think about doing it from this house…just going back & forth to a job & still coming home to this house. Just doesn’t feel right. So I am wondering about getting a place in May in the low income apts whether I have a job or not. I almost think it will be easier on me…but I will have to come up with some furniture & a way to move it all. (I say May because I will have another 2 credit cards paid off by then & my debts will leave me with about $455/month for food & rent. I don’t know if I can swing that…but as I said, I would think I could have a job within a month or so of being on my own. Strange how this all seems so overwhelming to me because although I’ve had anxiety about going back to work before…it’s never been like this!

I thank God for my parents & what they have been willing to do for me well after the time I should have been supporting myself. I don’t know what I’d do without their help, & it really gives me the incentive to want to show them I’m “capable.” Does that make sense to you?! It makes me feel very badly that it’s come to this, but on the other hand…it also relieves some of my anxiety about having to stay here forever with my room-mate.

My appt. with the doctor is on Wednesday at 8:40 in the morning. I may have told you my counselor said to stay up all night if I have to! Since my room-mate will be going back to work on Tuesday from 2-10 pm…I should be able to go to bed at 10 pm & set my alarm. Have you ever had this problem? Where you have a hard time sleeping & then it snowballs because you worry about it more…just having the effect that sleep won’t come easy again? I remember last year about January I had problems on my lithium & remeron & benedryl too. The in February I had my meds switched & I only remember feeling a bit more panicky in the morning on the Cymbalta. I hate med changes…but I’m do for one. So if you’re due for one, too…let’s get through this together!!!

I will have my license back in a week or so. I have to wait for my disability checks to be deposited & another from my parents. (I have a long distance account in another state & will probably open a new one in the town I live in after I get my driver’s license.) After the license…I still have some repair work to do! I have to have my name changed on my social security card, & the medicare/medicaid cards. I can’t open up a bank account without the license, or even put my name in for that low income housing. It seems like alot to do! (I will probably use a ton of gas trying to go to all of these places!)

I think your going to Bingo is a great idea! I didn’t really do much except work when my ex was in Iraq for a year, but I played Bingo once & I took my dog to the beach 2 times I think. I don’t want to be social just yet. Even when I get the car & license back it may not change much because from what I’ve experienced before with my room-mate…he gets very angry at me when I talk about a man I may have met on the internet that I’d like to meet. I don’t want his nasty comments & feel I’m not doing myself any harm by holding off until I move out. I’d like to date again, but I don’t want to risk my things being put outside again!

I would actually like to socialize with women more. It may be more difficult to make friends now, but I’m thinking that there may be some “group” counseling I could attend. I’d also like to find a church to belong to (although that will definitely not be until I move out!)

I suppose where you feel “flat” I feel I’m just hanging onto my sanity by a thread. You may be able to move out before I do…so you’ll have to write & tell me how it’s going!

Would the old neighborhood you were from be close to Ben & Emma? How wonderful for you! I really want to get all of my debt paid off before I attempt to get back to Colorado because I know it’s much more expensive there. (Still…being close to Cache & Julianna would be wonderful for me!)

You take care, too, Anne! I’m proud of you not going shopping in your night clothes! (I stay in mine far too long, too, but wouldn’t ever go out in them again! I think I did when I was manic & oh what a disaster that was!)

Keep me posted!


Hi Lori,

Happy new year…lets hope this is the year we both get back to something like normal…what with med changes and looking for places to live and you looking for work I guess it will be a busy one.
I stayed up last night until 12-0 clock so I could ring Ben and Emma and wish them a happy new year and I text my youngest son Andrew. I did not have a drink though, well a cup of tea to see the new year in.

I still feel flat and I still also feel very anxious about the future, but lets hope the ‘doing’ is less stressful than the thinking about.

It is good of your parents to help you and if it will help you get your finances back in order that is great. I know what you mean by wanting to show them you are capable.I also understand you being anxious about going to work from there…its like me…this living arrangement feels ‘alien’ to me and I don’t know how I will feel when I am on my own. I have no structure to my days and one just goes into another with no reason.

The area I use to live in is about 8 miles away from where Ben and Emma live. I could rent an house real close to them but its not a very good area and I don’t know how I would be…I worry that I will attract the wrong types of people. I had an house in that area when I first came out of hospital in 2004 and I use to go into a local pub and through that I met some dodgy people and I went psychotic again…I will not be going in any pubs when I move again. I need to get back on the lithium again first though and give that chance to work. I am still waiting for my pdoc appointment and feel annoyed with my CPN because he said he was going to get me an emergency consultation and that was 2 weeks before christmas!!!

I don’t honestly know where I am going to live and would ideally like to live back in the area I use to live in, rents are much higher there and of course I may ‘bump’ into people who know what happened!

I feel everyday that I am wasting time just laying around watching TV and smoking and I want so much to feel ok again but know without a med change nothing is going to change, so I hope my appointment with the pdoc is soon, I am glad you could tell your room-mate how you feel when he is drinking at least he knows the score now. You say he is a ‘caring’ person underneath and that makes me feel better because I was worried about you. I know when I lived with that drinker for awhile I was very scared of him, when, he use to ‘rant and rave’ in drink.

I also wish I could shift some of this weight it gets me down and I know most of it is the zyprexa and also the efexor and hope when I get back on lithium that I can come off the zyprexa…not sure about the effexor we will see.

Well my room-mate just got up and will want to be on the computer she spends all her time on it and I just get on occasionally so I will close for now. Take care Lori and I really hope this new year is much better for both of us.

Anne x

Happy New Year, Anne!

I can’t believe I’ve been at this reply for over an hour & it gets deleted! I better keep this more brief!

You’re right! I have a feeling the actual “doing” will be less stressful than thinking about it! I still can’t believe your disability is paid an actual wage that allows you to live in a nice home. I wish the US was like that. I also hope you will be able to be closer to Ben & Emma, but in that nicer area you are familiar with.

And you mentioned frequenting pubs there. Well, I had my drinking binges last spring & I hung out at the liquor store chatted with one of the clerks there. Just manic behavior & flirtatious with the wrong bunch of people, too. I’m not sure if I went off my meds at about that time, but the end result was disastrous! I have my lessons to learn still though.

New Year’s Eve I had a huge row with my room-mate. I had taken the phone 'round the front of the house to talk with my girlfriend in CO about some advice. Yes I had to quietly speak of my problems here, but when I got off the phone he accused me of being conniving & using him & said that I need to leave. As in right that instance. I started shaking like a leaf! All I could think of was living in my car again, with no license to drive it & no money to go anywhere! He then kept telling me he’d help me get an apartment or buy me a plane ticket anywhere I wanted to go. Again…it was immediately! I ended up drinking 2 glasses of wine to calm down & I hadn’t eaten anything yet. (Well…the short version of this is that the wine mixed with my lithium increases the level of lithium in my blood & acts as a thinner. A period that had lasted 2 weeks starts all over again & I have bad hand tremors & an upset stomache. I mentioned that to my room-mate the next day & all he did was offer me more wine to calm down!) That disruption meant that I went to my room & wrote a tearful letter to my parents. I also didn’t go to sleep until 5am, when I had to ask him to PLEASE shut off the stereo. New Year’s Day I get up at about 2pm when my cell phone rang. It was my step-son. I took the phone outside & my room-mate & his son were out there working on some outdoor lights. I got off the phone again & right away he starts with the “you gotta leave” & “you can’t stay here.” So for the past 2 weeks he’s had off from work I’ve had more anxiety than usual because his drinking is always worse. When I say he’s got a good-heart…I guess I’m using the words he applies to himself. I’d like to think that was true, but when someone befriends you & allows you to stay with them…it shouldn’t come with expectations of a romantic relationship. And I have a difficult time even feeling affectionate or friendly towards someone who has the potential to make me homeless again. That’s such an uneasy & insecure feeling.

I almost didn’t mail that letter to my parents. I told him I was going out to the mailbox to remove it because it may be upsetting for them. Then I just decided to let it go. It’s almost as if I want them to know how bad things are here in case something happens to me. He says he’d never physically hurt me, but he can be enraged (I think because of rejection) or he’s asking me at every moment whether or not I’m okay (in the bathroom as an example.) It’s mood changes & all he’s done is admit he drinks too much. Beyond that, no change & when I told him this morning that some hugging is good, but beyond that it’s kind of like sexual harrassment…he said man! you must have had an abusive relationship because of drinking or drugs in your past. (I have to keep telling myself that he has to turn the tables & make me the person with the problem…just to justify the same old behavior day after day.) So, I think it is worse than I’ve discussed with you or anyone before.

My son said to leave right away & when I told him I still needed to get my license (mailed the last fine payment in today & will wait for the form I need to show the Dept. of Motor Vehicles to be mailed from the Court) and that it would take me until the 1st part of May to pay of a couple of more bills…he just said, Mom…keep your cell phone charged & with you at all times. If you need me, call & I don’t know how, but we’ll get you out of there. So where it’s ususally just a mild annoyance to live here…the past 2 weeks were severely stressful. (And I’ve tried to stay off the computer because it irritates him & it may help me fall asleep sooner.) Today he went back to work. He left at 1:30 & I think he’ll be home after 10:30 or so. I will be able to shower more regularly while he’s away, & even if he comes home & drinks 12 beers at night, he’ll be sulky in the morning…but not drunk. And he won’t be able to drink before going to work in the afternoon. So my intentions are to compliment his sober times rather than criticize his drinking times. When I get my license back I won’t have much in reserve for gas… & trips to my counselor, but perhaps I can go the library & get some books to read on weekends & I’m also thinking I’ll make Saturday a cleaning day (I’d like to say he can’t get mad at a woman who’s vacuuming…but he was still on that “get out” rant while I was cleaning!) I’ll just try to find things to do on the weekends. Maybe even paint the office (where I wrote on the wall) & my bedroom, where he had to put sheetrock up (because I took a hammer to the wall.) I can’t let his moods trigger an episode for me. This has got to be the most unhealthy environment I’ve ever lived in. I think when I went manic last summer I felt trapped & those feelings are still there, but maybe I should start talking to my therapist about it. My girlfriend said, Don’t you dare go to counselling with your room-mate because of the problems you’re having with his drinking! That will just encourage him that you want to have a relationship with him! I think she’s right, but the alternative is that my Counselor will probably tell me to go to the shelter. And I just have these visions of being separated from my clothes & toiletries & things. I don’t know how long you can even stay in a shelter or if you’re required to work or pay for it. My son would rather I just leave this house (& state!) once & for all, & my female friend said not to stress myself with looking for a job even here. She said just do the laundry & tidy up & keep to yourself & pay down those bills & then drive out to Colorado. I am not a lazy person, although in some settings I suppose I don’t do much. As in here. I do such minimal cleaning & if it were my home I would take better care of it. But it’s not my home & I don’t even have similar tastes to this man. I would never want this home, nor will I ever feel comfortable in it. I know when I worked last I felt so wonderful! It wasn’t about the money or even the type of work. It was just that I had something to do outside of the home and my co-workers were all females who became friends. Now that I’m faced with trying to support myself it seems that I am even more fearful! Will I be able to do the work? Will I get fired? (I’ve had that happen so many times, too.) Will I have an episode (although I’ve never had one at work before but I’ve had my ability to perform questioned.) So I may take the easy way out & not think about working. In 3 1/2 months (giving me that extra time to get the license) I could probably save some extra money to leave with. It would be beneficial to try, but I truthfully don’t feel my meds are quite right.

You hope to get off the Zyprexa soon, & onto the lithium! I think lithium may only be a cause of slight weight gain. I know Zyprexa is a very real contributor to weight. Effexor may be as well, but don’t try too many changes at once or you won’t be sure of what may cause side effects. If you have been on lithium in the past, it may be a little unkind at first, but your body will adjust. I want to go off my lithium & replace it with either Neurontin or Lamictal (BIP’s on the 1st, Julianna, my son’s girlfriend, is on the other.) I want to do that because I’m really having a bad tremor lately & my bladder can’t handle all the bathroom trips (I think they keep me up at night.) I’d like to go off the Remeron altogether because it causes weight gain & it hasn’t been helping me sleep as well lately. I’d be afraid to switch to another AD because I almost always feel agitated, anxious & jittery. I’d prefer to have an anti-anxiety med or a mild sleeping pill. Tomorrow I will see my Pdoc & see what she has to offer me. If your Effexor keeps depression at bay, you may want to stay on it. I have had both extremes of this illness & I’m as afraid of sinking as I am of becoming manic. I guess I feel about you the same way I do myself…be cautious & take the changes slowly. I don’t realize how an anti-depressant helps me until I go off of it & realize I am seriously depressed. I’ve only been on Remeron for a yr (on & off) & cymbalta briefly. And it’s even hard to know if feelings are side effects or just a by-product of what’s going on. My divorce took 10 months & that was basically a yr filled with constant worry & stress. Of course the end product was the worse case scenario, too, which didn’t help.

Julianna emailed me some low income housing options for Colorado today. The wait list there is up to a yr & 1/2. Plus I will have to re-establish residency in another state before I can apply. I may only stay with Cache & Julianna for a brief time because they have a tiny 1 bedroom apt, but I’ve asked if they can continue their lease & perhaps move into a 2 bedroom, with me paying the extra rent amount. I don’t know if they can or will even want to. I can possibly live with a girlfriend for a small time, but she’s been on a wait-list for a place since last April (& she’s currently staying with her son & his family!) Then there’s Cache’s Grandfather, my ex-father-in-law. He lost his wife to cancer last yr (& she was so wonderful to me!) The problem there is that he’s a severe alcoholic too. He is a virtual invalid now, but I’m told he could walk if he wanted to…he’s just despondent from his wife’s death & gone back to his bottle of whiskey nightly. I recall his rages & mood swings. I’m not sure that would be much of an improvement from where I’m at! On the plus side, he probably wouldn’t belittle me for being a “User” or for not wanting an intimate relationship. However, on the down-side…he is family (inlaw) & I would feel a sense of responsibility to care for him & his home just to have a place to stay. It reeks of co-dependency. I’m in that sort of household now. And I’m pretty sure the verbal/mental abuse would be as I recall it. The thing about alcoholics is that I really don’t think they remember half of what they say. It sounds so sick & psychotic! And it’s used to intimidate. I’m not the strongest of people, that’s why I suppose I make a good target! It may take a crazy person to know one, though! In that case knowledge doesn’t do me any good.

I want to have a little stability behind me, too. I don’t think meds will help as much as I’d like them too, but this is an extremely anxiety-filled time for me. I can’t even say I’m bored. I don’t feel empty or happy or depressed. I feel fearful about where I’m at & anxiety over where I’m going!

This is not as long as the last version…but I almost deleted it again! I better close here for now! I’ll let you know about my Pdoc appt tomorrow. I hope you get in to see yours soon. (I may also change doctors in a couple of weeks. I liked my other doctor more & I had counseling through her only. Either way it’s a painfully long wait to schedule an appointment. Oh! Thankfully, Julianna sent info about a disability resource center in Colorado, too. They assist with meds & I think I can have my doctor fax all of my medical history there so I won’t have a disruption with my meds. That’s always got to be a priority from now on!)

You even sounded positive in that last email! Keep it up, Anne! You’ve got me smiling under bad circumstances too!


Hi Lori,

I read your letter to Anne, and is all I can say is that I am sorry your life is filled with so much anxiety.

The one thing that comes to mind, is when we are as miserable as you are right now, if we wait “until” this or that, we may very well not change any thing for what ever reason; however,
I am very scared for you! If he is wanting a sexual relationship, and you don’t, how do you know when one of these times he gets drunk, he doesn’t force the issue? I think you know what I mean by “force.” and esp. if he thinks you are “free-loading.” Lori you are in a very precarious situation, and very volatile one.

In a shelter, you can take any thing with you that you can take, all of your clothing, toiletries, phones, and some even have storage for TV’s etc. Also, you don’t have to pay rent until you get a job. How long you stay, depends on your circumstances, and what kind of shelter you go to. Also, after you are there for a while they allow you to go to a transition house which teaches you to pay your bills; balance a check book; and they provide counseling so you don’t get back to where you are now.

My daughter went into several shelters before she got settled down, and she was in some good ones and some bad ones. Nonetheless, it was better then on the street or in a car.(or abusive relationships, just for a roof over her head) Also, she said you have to go out during the day, if you want to find a shelter that is going to meet your needs and be what you can deal with.

She also said if you go to a shelter, you have more of the state agencies helping you. As long as you stay where you are now they see you “having a roof over your head, food, and a place to stay” no matter how awful the environment, until you take the action to leave. Then they will do what they can to help you get an income, and to be self sufficient. They will also protect you with the law, if need be. Also they can get you in touch with agencies to train you for a job that your illness would allow you to do. (which also may be through mental health).

She also said they help you with mental health, meds, and getting in touch with a pdoc faster then if you just rely on your own ability to get into one. As long as you stay where you are they see you as being high functioning enough to manage on your own. Lori, right now, you can’t, you need help! That help is there if you have enough courage to access what is available. Please do not take offense by what I’ve said in here, but I am very concerned not only for your physical welfare, but your mental welfare as well.

Your anxiety level will never get better as long as you stay where you are. There are just too many issues that can not be resolved. When we are in that situation, we are better to get out of it before it destroys you all together.

Maybe you could go to a DVS shelter in the city where your son lives? If you go to the DVS shelter where you are at right now, explain your situation, and ask for their help, they may very well give you the money to go to that city. Or even some churches would help you, but YOU HAVE TO ASK! The longer you sit in your misery where you are now, the more of a chance you have for worse things happening to you, and the more of chance you have of not getting any better with your bipolar and anxiety levels; and your meds will never do much good as long as you stay there; there is just too much “other stuff” going on there for you to get better, other then just being life threatening.

Lori, please LEAVE THERE!

Love you,
bip, and very concerned!

Hi Lori,

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through with your room-mate your anxiety levels must be through the roof. What can I say? Bip’s got some good advice but I know you are scared of going into a shelter…I was in one for 6 months and it was not so bad…I was also scared of going in but I met some good people in there and had no trouble. I was also able to take personal things in and was in fact given a flat there, they had 6 flats in the building, before that I was in a room of my own with plenty of storage space for my belongings…it was actually better there then in the ‘supported’ accommodation I subsequently moved into and in hindsight I should have stayed in the shelter/salvation army hostel and maybe now I would have been further on…they help you get your life back together. I would not want to have to go back there and pray that in the future I gain stability, but I would not be scared to go back. I do not know what your shelters are like there and is there no way you could go and visit one to see and also ask the questions you need to know.

Bip knows about them because her daughter was in one, The one I was in had 113 people in and is a massive six-storey building. There was a communal lounge and dining room but like I say I never had any trouble there.Will your parents help you when they get the letter you sent is there no way you could go stay with them till you get sorted out? Its horrible to have the threat of homelessness over your head and your room-mate has a powerful tool knowing your history, it is terrible what he is doing. He sounds manipulative and also ‘annoyed’ that you do not want a romantic r/ship. It is an horrible situation you are in and I can understand your fears. I also understand you staying there though in the case of ‘better the devil’ you know and I guess only you can know how ‘safe’ you are there. I wish I could help in someway!

I do not think you should go to your ex father-in-laws if he drinks also, and rants and raves, you need to be some place where you feel ‘safe’.

I am having a pretty bad time also and although my room-mate is not threatening to ‘throw me out’ I get the feeling that I am causing her to feel ‘down’ and for that, I feel, I should not be here.Plus I have little if any inclination to do anything and would stay in bed all day if her carer did not come each day.I wish I had a safe little house somewhere and could live my life the way I wanted, I wish that for you also. I am waiting still for an appointment with a Pdoc and was told yesterday that it will be real soon, I don’t want to keep feeling this way and I’m scared that maybe I always will and that is scaring me. Oh! Lori what a terrible disorder this is that causes us to be in such vulnerable positions and I pray that things will improve for us real soon and we can have some stability and peace…after all we have been through we deserve it.

Please write me real soon and let me know how things are going and what you are going to do. I am pleased that Cache is there for you although he is so many miles away you have support there and if they could get a two-bed apartment that would be great! I am thinking about you Lori and hope that things resolve for you…please write soon.

take care
Anne x

Hi Anne & BIP,

Well, I’ve read both of you e-mails & I have spoken to my Dad as well. My Mum sent me alot of spiritual booklets on everything from stress & moods to domestic violence. I read that last one all the way through last night & it has shown me that the most important thing is to have a plan of action. Since I’ve been to see my Pdoc yesterday, the only thing I had done was had an AP added (Risperidol.) I will see her again on Jan 30th, & she said she may add an anti-anxiety med then. I was so frustrated though that I came back & made an appt. with the other doctor for March 7th (it’s the soonest I can get in!) I don’t think my meds are all that off either. I know the living situation is a huge trigger for feeling more anxiety & fear than my meds should have to help.

As my room-mate has gone back to work & had to limit his drinking to a few hours in the evening, when I’ve already gone to bed…he has been sober enough that I’ve been able to talk to him about that last argument & threat for me to leave. He also knows I’m making strides to go elsewhere, sooner than I had planned because of the insecurity of not knowing if I’ll be tossed out. Of course he’s been more even tempered & says he’ll never threaten to kick me out again because he knows I still don’t have my driver’s license or the funds to leave. (And I don’t have the title to the car I have…just the court order that it’s to be mine from the divorce. Without that I can’t sell it, junk it, or re-register it in another state! Not that I’m very certain it will make it 2,000 miles to Colorado!) And after reading that booklet my Mum sent, I know my room-mate’s behavior is sort of the “make-up” stage after DV.

In other words, he’s a time bomb & I will have to have a strategy of getting out in an emergency as well as a thought out plan for when I actually leave. I don’t see my counselor until the 15th, but I will be talking to her about the shelter. (I dread that because of the unknown.) There is only one shelter here & it is small. I imagine they make you leave during the day to look for work, & even Georgia is now at the cold part of winter. It will be where I go in the event of an emergency, but also in the event that I feel I have to leave this household before I am able to return to CO. (My parents are 3,000 miles away & have a 1 bedroom condo. They don’t want to see me living how I now do, but they have advised me to go to the shelter here as well.)

I have another friend in Colorado who I used to date. I can live with him, & he will want a relationship again, but I don’t see him as threateningly as I do my current room-mate. The other man is not an alcoholic for one thing. I almost moved in with him 4 yrs ago before my ex-husband came out of boot camp & decided we should try a reconciliation. This man also knows about my illness & loves me inspite of it. (He would not provide a stressful environment, but there would be an expectation of a relationship. He knows I’m of my bi-polar disorder & still believes I can have a normal sane life, with him.) I have 2 options if I move to Colorado. One is to stay with my son & Julianna (although that would have to be very brief because Julianna is just now stable with her own meds & I know how another can affect our moods.) The other is to move in with my old boyfriend. I’d hate to find myself tossed out again if I did something wrong or didn’t love him the way he loves me…but you know, I’d like to think that I can have another relationship again.

Anyway, that’s the way I’m leaning. Find out more about the shelter for emergency purposes & stay here until May. (Then my room-mate had said he would get me a plane ticket back to Colorado because he wanted me gone so bad & I asked him if he’d wait until May due to my circumstances. He said yes.) So when I am able to drive, I will get boxes once again & have a few things shopped to Colorado prior to that. I also consider driving my car there in May because I’ll have enough gas & hotel money to do so…I was hoping to have a couple of months time to drive the car around to my doctor appts here first to “test” it. With over 260,000 miles on that car, a cracked windshield, a replaced clutch & battery…it may not make that trip. My friend in CO has said to just leave the car with my room-mate as payment for whatever else I may “owe” him. The other alternative is to stay in this state & try to go from the shelter to a place on my own & all of that. I don’t really like that idea because my room-mate is the only “friend” I have here now & it’s just a very different life in the deep south. I may change my mind & stay in this state, but I don’t see a lot of room for personal growth. I’ve had doctor’s in CO who know my history & that I’d rather see. I’ll let you both know. I am checking out the shelter for sure, BIP, because for the 1st time last weekend I had a terrible scare. I’ll have to be somewhat prepared for that & on the look-out. But today I am just looking at the explosion as if, like you Anne, with your room-mate: I’m bringing him down (angry) & there’s the unspoken thing that one day I will be moving out now…as well as an agreed upon time (May.) He knows that I’ve spoken to my Dad & my old boyfriend & my son. I sort of feel that he knows I’ve confided in these people about almost facing homelessness again because of his outburst & now he feels some obligation to end things on a better note.

Funny…I hate to be taking an anti-psychotic just as a coping mechanism…but for now, that’s all it is. I wish I could tell you some happy news, but at least I can tell you there’s no mania or fear of impending doom! I just don’t have alot of resources in this rural area & I’ll be happy to get back to a familiar, & happy place…where resources are more easily accessed (mental health, that is.)

I don’t spend much time on the computer at night now (so he’s free to use it) but I’ll try to keep you two apprised.


Hi Lori,

I am glad to hear you thinking about at least an emergency plan to the shelter if needed. Also, I have to agree with the doc that you seen about having anxiety medication; it is amazing how much better you feel with that medication. My daughter used to take buspar for anxiety; I’m not sure what she takes now.

I also agree with the “grooming stage” your roommate is in. First the abuse, then the guilt, then “trying to make it all better” then abuse again. There are actually a few more behaviors in there, but I’m not sure what they are right now. But, Lori, I still want to implore you to be very careful! Pleeeeeeease! Those kind of time bombs are not very stable in any way; even if he isn’t drinking, something could set him off.

Going to an old boy friends house, be careful with this one too, only because you still have some baggage from living with this roommate. It wouldn’t be fair to him to bring that baggage into a relationship with him; nor would it be fair to move in with him “just to get out of your current situation.” It wouldn’t be good for your bipolar to get into a relationship with him, then find out that you don’t or can’t love him like he wants you to, or as much as he loves you. That just reeks of disaster! Wait until you are out of this environment, first, then consider moving in with him because you want to, not because you need to!

I’ve been in these relationships before, “living with him because I “needed” to” and I always ended up moving around, sleeping here and there with this one and that one just to have a roof over my head; one guy did fall in love with me, but I was too selfish, and messed up to know how to return that love; he was “too” normal for me.

So Lori, even though it may seem like a good idea now, let that idea rest until you get yourself out of this situation first, take care of YOURSELF FIRST BY YOURSELF FIRST; first things first, like we say in AA. Then if that boyfriend is still wanting you to move in with him, and you feel you can love him, then maybe give it a try. (try dating him first! lol I say that, but yet I don’t know when was the last time I actually went on a date with some one long enough and FIRST before we ended up in bed together, all for me to have a roof over my head).

However, my husband I have now, even though that was the way I started out with him, it has ended up in a good marriage. We have had our problems, needless to say with him being a coke addict at the time, and me still drinking, and being manic for 6 months; however I wasn’t diagnosed then, but now that I am aware of being manic and bipolar, I know now that I was in a manic episode in '85 until '86 or more. Of course menopause hit me about the same time, so I was a huge mess; and my husband loved me in spite of my short comings.

Any way, Lori, be careful about getting into a romantic relationship now, just for a roof over your head. I know how nice it sounds, been there, thought that, and done it many times. So just be careful!

Love you,